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Install dev tools in make install way.


Named after the first city in recorded history, Uruk is designed to simplify installing dev tools on a new mac.

Notice that it only works on macOS for now.

Install Uruk

git clone

Or download and extract to local directory.

Install Dev Tools Using Uruk

First enter Uruk directory.

cd uruk # Or `cd uruk-master` if it's extracted from github zip file

And then you can install all things your need in just one line.

make install

If a popup update window appears and ask you to install xcode-select command line developer tools, click "Install" and wait till it finishes.

By default, this will install git (brew version), python (pyenv version) and ruby (rbenv version) if nothing modified.


.conf files

Uruk is shipped with default.conf to make it work out-of-box. It is recommend to create custom.conf to override default settings.

If custom.conf is found, default.conf in the same directory will be ignored.

And custom.conf is in .gitignore, so that you can keep your own configuration and don't have to merge with new git commits after updating Uruk.

Of course you can edit default.conf directly and include changes and submit to git commit and share with other developers.

You can configure multiple tools in custom.conf like this:



python ruby

And then run

make install

and both python and ruby will be installed.

If no custom.conf was found, Uruk will read from default.conf.

Check if already installed differently

Uruk use command -v to check if a target is installed. You can specify different checking method in in the folder with target name.

The status code explicitly or implicitly returned from is_installed will be used to check if it is installed: 0 means installed, otherwise not installed.

Often a customized is_installed is needed if you want to use brew or other installed version instead of system default version.

Run directly

Though not recommended, you can also run and specify things to install in command-line.

chmod +x
./ python ruby

Supported Installation Targets

  1. brew
  2. fzf
  3. git
  4. docker
  5. pyenv
  6. python
  7. rbenv
  8. ruby
  9. tig
  10. tldr
  11. autojump
  12. ranger
  13. iterm2
  14. firefox
  15. google-chrome
  16. sublime-text
  17. visual-studio-code
  18. pycharm-ce-with-anaconda-plugin
  19. github
  20. switchhosts
  21. sogouinput
  22. baiduinput
  23. wechat
  24. qq
  25. neteasemusic
  26. qqmusic
  27. baidunetdisk
  28. mas
  29. caffeinate
  30. rust
  31. makers
  32. loopback
  33. rsync
  34. hammerspoon
  35. ffmpeg
  36. karabiner-elements
  37. zed
  38. coreutils
  39. json-helper
  40. location-helper
  41. git-lfs
  42. emacs
  43. doomemacs

All depended targets will be installed first. The dependency is specified in installation scripts by calling install_if_needed. You can modify installation script to customize your own installation.

For what is shipped, e.g. pyenv, fzf and brew will be installed before installing python.

Under the Hood

Retrieve targets

For every install target (i.e. python, ruby, etc.), Uruk decides which install script(s) should be run first by retrieving name(s) from:

  1. Command-line parameter
  2. Read from custom.conf. Content in this file will be treated as an array separated by any blank characters.
  3. Read from default.conf. The format is the same with custom.conf.

Check if already installed

For each name retrieved in step 1 or 2, Uruk will try to resolve it and run specific script. Let's say the name is "python" --

  1. If targets/python/ exists, use its returned value (true or 0 means installed, otherwise not installed)
  2. If targets/python.brewtarget exists, treat it as a brew target and check if brew list python has 0 exit code.
  3. If targets/python.casktarget exists, treat it as a cask target and check if brew list --cask python has 0 exit code.
  4. If targets/python.mastarget exists, treat it as a Mac App Store target and read MAS ID from it and check if mas list | grep "^$mas_id" has 0 exit code.
  5. Run command -v python to check if python is installed

Install one target

  1. Uruk will try to run python/
  2. If python/ does not exist, Uruk will try to run under current directory instead.
  3. If does not exist either, a message will appear, telling you Uruk can't locate any install script.
  4. If targets/python.brewtarget exists, treat it as a brew target and run brew install python.
  5. If targets/python.casktarget exists, treat it as a cask target and run brew install python.
  6. If targets/python.mastarget exists, treat it as a Mac App Store target and read MAS ID form it and run mas install $mas_id.


Install dev tools in `make install` way.







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