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CHT Technology Radar Core

A static site generator for the CHT Technology Radars.

Looking for the CHT Technology Radars content?

The repository for the CHT Technology Radar for Implementers can be found in medic/cht-tech-radar-implementers. See the live version.

The repository for the CHT Technology Radar for Contributors can be found in medic/cht-tech-radar-contributors. See the live version.

Update this repository

This repository is a fork of AOEpeople/aoe_technology_radar. Some changes were made so that the Tech Radar match the CHT look-and-feel. Manual changes are needed to keep this repository up to date with the original repository.

When a new AOE Tech Radar version is available, follow the following steps to update this repository accordingly:

  • Check if there is an existing Release matching the content of the main branch. If no such release exist, create one from the current main branch.
  • Sync the fork with AOEpeople/aoe_technology_radar. Don't worry if the CHT-related commits are discared, as they are saved in the release tag you have just created.
  • Re-apply the CHT look-and-feel changes to the freshly updated main branch. Update the package.json version, and create a new release.
  • Upgrade the cht_technology_radar version in the CHT Technology Radars (for Contributors and for Implementers) to correspond to the new cht-tech-radar-core release.
"cht_technology_radar": "github:medic/cht-tech-radar-core#1.2.0"

Create your own radar

Step 1: Create a new radar starting from this respository

Ensure node.js is installed. Create a new project by creating a new folder with a package.json file like the following and adapt it to your needs:

  "name": "cht-techradar",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "license": "MIT",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "techradar build",
    "serve": "techradar serve"
  "dependencies": {
    "cht_technology_radar": "github:medic/cht-tech-radar-core#1.2.0"

Run npm install to install the dependencies and run npm run build to create the initial radar. This will also create a basic bootstrap of all required files, including the config.json and the if they do not exist yet.

Step 2: Change logo and the favicon

Place your logo.svg and favicon.ico in the public folder next to the package.json. The ideal logo is 150px x 60px. For reference have a look at public/logo.svg.

If you want to use a file other than an SVG, copy it to the public folder and set the name of the file as logoFile inside the config.json. e.g. "logoFile": "acme-logo.png"

Step 3: Configure the radar

Open the config.json file and configure the radar to your needs.

Attribute Description
basePath Set if hosting under a sub-path, otherwise set it to /. Default is /techradar
baseUrl Set to the full URL, where the radar will be hosted. Will be used for sitemap.xml.
logoFile (optional) Filepath in public folder. Default is logo.svg
toggles (optional) Modify the behaviour and contents of the radar. See config below.
sections (optional) Modify the order of sections (radar, tags, list)
colors A map of colors for the radar. Can be any valid CSS color value
quadrants Config of the 4 quadrants of the radar. See config below.
rings Config of the rings of the radar. See config below.
flags Config of the flags of the radar. See config below
chart If you hava a lot of items, you can increase the size to scale down the radar
social Social links in the footer. See config below
imprint URL to the legal information
labels Configure the labels to change the texts and labels of the radar
tags (optional) Use to render only items, which contain at least one of the specified tags. e.g ["data", "tool"]
editUrl (optional) If set, an edit button will be shown next to the revision.
You can use placeholders for {id} and {release}


Attribute Description
showChart Render the radar visualization on the homepage?
showTagFilter Render the tag filter below the radar?
showQuadrantList Render the items below the radar?
showEmptyRings If set to true it will render empty rings in the list


An array with of radar, tags, list in order you want them to appear on the page.


Attribute Description
id Used as reference in the radar markdown files and URLs
title Title of the quadrant
description Will be shown on startpage and on the quadrants detail page
color Color of the quadrant arcs and blips


Attribute Description
id Used as reference in the radar markdown files
title Title of the ring. Will be used in the badge
color Color of the ring's badge
radius Size of the ring. Value between 0 and 1, where 0.5 would be a ring 50% wide
strokeWidth Size of the ring's border


Attribute Description
color Color of the flag
title Long label of the flag
titleShort Short label (single letter) shown in lists
description Label in the radar legend[]

Attribute Description
href URL to the website
icon One of facebook, github, gitlab, instagram, linkedin, x, xing, youtube

Step 4: Add a help page with explanations

Edit the file next to the package.json file. The contents will be shown on the /help-and-about-tech-radar page. Optionally you can change the title of the menu by setting labels.pageAbout in your config.json.

Step 5: Create the radar items

Remove or edit existing items in the radar folder. For a new release, create a folder of the release date (YYYY-MM-DD) under ./radar. e.g. ./radar/2024-03-01.

The items are written in Markdown format (.md)

Each file has a meta header where the attributes of the item are listed:

title: "React"
ring: adopt
quadrant: languages-and-frameworks
tags: [frontend, coding]

Text goes here. You can use **markdown** here.

Following front-matter attributes are possible:

  • title: Name of the Item
  • quadrant: Quadrant. One of the configured quadrants in config.quadrants
  • ring: Ring section in radar. One of the configured rings in config.rings
  • tags: Optional tags for filtering.
  • featured: (optional, default "true") If you set this to false, the item will not be visible in the radar quadrants but still be available in the overview.

The name of the .md file acts as item identifier and may overwrite items with the same name from older releases.

If an item is overwritten in a new release, the attributes from the new item are merged with the old ones, and a new history entry is created for that item.

You can integrate images in your markdown. Put the image files in the public/images folder and reference them

![nice image](/images/optional-content-image.png)

Step 6: Build your radar

Your final file and folder structure should look like this:

├── config.json
├── package.json
├── public/
│ ├── images/
│ │ └── optional-content-image.png
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ └── logo.svg
└── radar/
  ├── 2023-12-31/
  │ ├──
  │ └──
  └── 2024-03-05/

Run npm run build to build the radar and upload the files of the ./build folder to your server.

You can view a development version of the radar by running npm run serve and open the radar in your browser at http://localhost:3000/techradar or the path you specified via basePath.

Advanced styling with custom.css

If you need to customize the radar's styles, you can add custom CSS rules to the custom.css file.

Be aware that this might break with future versions of the radar as we use css-modules in the components which generates dynamic, hashed class names and the layout structure might change.

Therefore, it's advised the [attribute^=value] selector that matches elements whose attribute value begins with a specified value. As an example, if you want to always show the subline in the header use the following rule:

[class^="Logo_subline"] {
  display: block;
  opacity: 1;

If you want to include assets like images or fonts, use ../../public/ as the base path. Adding a background image to the page could be archived like this:

body {
  background: url("../../public/background.png");

Changing the font-family of the headlines:

h3 {
  font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif;

Changes to the css file will not be reflected in the development server. You need to run npm run serve or npm run build to see the changes.


If you want to change core functionality of the radar, you can clone this repository and put your radar's markdown-files, config.json and in the data folder. Run npm run build:data to parse the markdown files and create a data.json and then run npm run dev to start the development server, which will be available at http://localhost:3000/techradar or the path you specified via basePath.


The CHT Technology Radars are built starting from the AOE Tech Radar content. If you want to build your own Technical Radar you may want to have a look at AOE Tech Radar GitHub repository.