Short instruction:
- Download the latest release for you'r system (linux, windows, macos)
- Move it to any folder on you'r PC
- Done
- Open terminal in mul0 directory and run it:
# MacOS or Linux
# Windows
- Follow instructions from help message
Basic Example:
$> ./mul0 hash "Hello, World! 2 + 2 = 4"
Mul0 output (printed to stderr):
$> ./mul0 dehash "14401c681e601e601f380c60090018781f3820101e601c20094809000e1009000c1809000e100900112809000ea00072"
Mul0 output (printed to stderr):
Hello, World! 2 + 2 = 4
Algorithm takes first byte and uses it as a key. Next steps are pretty simple:
- Multiply every byte on key's byte
- Convert every byte to hexdecimal number and resize it to 4 chars
- Put all strings together
- Place key at the end
Project licensed under the MIT License. See more in the LICENSE file