Competetive Programming Algorithms & Data Structures
- Searching
- Sorting
- Divisors
- Euler Totient - PHI
- Factorization
- Linear Diophantine Equation
- Miscellaneous
- Numbers
- Prime Test
- Binomial Coefficient - NCR
- Chinese Reminder Theorem - CRT
- Combinatorics Basics
- Extended GCD - EGCD
- Factorials
- Inverse
- Lucas Theorem
- Moduler Exponential - BigMod
- Moduler Multiplication
- Moduler Power & Multiply
- Binary Indexed Tree - BIT
- MOS Algorithm
- Segment Tree - ST
- Sparse Table
- - Problems
- Policy Base Data Structure - PBDS
- Square Root Decomposition - SQRT
- Union Find Disjoint Sets - UFDS
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- Basics
- Cycle
- Heavy Light Decomposition
- Max Flow
- Maximum Matching
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Topological Sort
- 2sat
- Articulation Bridge - online
- Articulation Points & Bridges
- Bellman Ford
- Centroid of a Tree
- Dijkstra
- Floyd Warshall
- Shortest Path Faster Algorithm - SPFA
- Strongly Connected Component - SCC
- Minimum String Rotation
- Palindrom
- String Hashing
- String Matching
- Suffix Array
- Suffix Automata
- Trie
- AtCoder - Educational DP Contest
- CSES - Dynamic Programming
- Digit Dp
- Edit Distance
- Egg Droping Puzzle
- Knapsack
- Largest Independent Set
- Longest Biotonic Subsequence
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Maximum Product Increasing Subsequence
- Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
- Subset Sum
- Total Palindromic Subsequence Count
- Travel Salesman Problem - TSP
- Big-Int
- Matrix Exponential
- Minimum Eculidean Distance
- Bits
- Cycle Finding
- Double Comparasion
- Get-Cmp
- Josephus
- Largest Histogram Area
- Maximum Subarray - Kadane's Algorithm
- Meet In The Middle
- Mod-Int
- Mod-Pair
- Namespace - PAIRS
- Small to Large Technique