A ROS driver for the ELP Dual Lens synchronized stereo camera.
Documentation for original driver (non-synchronized) is available on the ROS wiki: http://wiki.ros.org/elp_stereo_camera
This has been tested on the ELP model: ELP-960P2CAM-V90-VC
These setup instructions assume that you have Ubuntu 16.04, have ROS Kinetic installed, and have a catkin workspace at ~/catkin_ws
. If you don't, follow the Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment tutorial before proceeding. The following specific packages should be installed if they aren't already:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-base ros-kinetic-image-common ros-kinetic-image-transport-plugins ros-kinetic-image-pipeline ros-kinetic-usb-cam
Now you can install the elp_stereo_camera package:
git clone https://github.com/mdkennedy3/elp-synchronized-stereo-camera-ros-pkg ~/catkin_ws/src/elp_stereo_camera
After compiling the package, then setup the udev rules:
# setup udev rules (navigate to package)
sudo ./scripts/create_udev_rules.sh
To simply generate seperate stereo images run the launch file
roslaunch elp_stereo_synchronized_ros_pkg elp_stereo_camera.launch
(images can easily be viewed using rqt image viewer)
To see disparity run
roslaunch elp_stereo_synchronized_ros_pkg disparity.launch
when visualize_disparity argument is true, a image_view disparity window will appear
To see the point cloud
roslaunch elp_stereo_synchronized_ros_pkg point_cloud_rviz_disparity.launch