Consol2 C-CDA R2.1/R1.1/MU2 v2.6.3.20170323
model: v2.6.3.20170323
Note: As opposed to the usual develop branch, this release was built from the developMultithread branch. As expected, the attached source is derived from the branch it was built with, developMultithread. Eventually, this branch will be merged back into develop.
(Model) Changes since last build listed in releases (
--Relax Errata 596 in R1.1 Smoking Status Observation effectiveTime. Changed error to warning for use of TS attributes.
--Relax Errata 596 in R1.1 SmokingStatusObs effectiveTime SHOULD for TS (commit: f4e787e) (detail / -githubweb)
--Relax Errata 596 in R1.1 (gen and test) (commit: 0825f77) (detail / githubweb)
--Final updates for errata 596 revert (commit: 8997406) (detail / githubweb)
Note: The buildDependencies folder has been removed in this release as the jars are not necessary to use the software, only to run the build.
The process to update an existing validation WAR should still be the same. See this release for instructions and this release for the latest released WAR.