A document library specific consumer to extract files and push the resulting files back into the document library
This is a scala application that runs in side the JVM
java $JAVA_OPTS -jar consumer.jar start --config
The app allows runtime configuration via environment variables.
It also allows for a --config flag to allow injection of common configs that will override the default config and environment variable driven config
- MONGO_USERNAME - login username for mongodb
- MONGO_PASSWORD - login password for mongodb
- MONGO_HOST - host to connect to
- MONGO_PORT - optional: port to connect to (default: 27017)
- MONGO_DOCLIB_DATABASE - database to connect to
- MONGO_AUTHSOURCE - optional: database to authenticate against (default: admin)
- MONGO_DOCUMENTS_COLLECTION - default collection to read and write to
- RABBITMQ_USERNAME - login username for rabbitmq
- RABBITMQ_PASSWORD - login password for rabbitmq
- RABBITMQ_HOST - host to connect to
- RABBITMQ_PORT - optional: port to connect to (default: 5672)
- RABBITMQ_VHOST - optional: vhost to connect to (default: /)
- RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE - optional: exchange that the consumer should be bound to
- CONSUMER_QUEUE - optional: name of the queue to consume (default: unarchive)
- UPSTREAM_CONCURRENCY - optional: number of messages to handle concurrently (default: 1)
- DOWNSTREAM_QUEUE - optional: name of queue to enqueue new files to (default: prefetch)
The sbt-dependency-check plugin can be used to create a HTML report under target/scala-x.x/dependency-check-report.html
sbt dependencyCheck
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2 license, which can be found in the repository as LICENSE.txt