Confluent For Kubernetes (CFK)
k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab's minimal Kubernetes distribution) in Docker.
kubectl: The Kubernetes command-line tool.
Helm: manage Kubernetes applications.
- One Replica per Node
- Taints and Tolerations
- Pod Affinity & Anti-affinity
- Source and Destination cluster
- Connect (Datagen source connector)
- Consumer app
- Connect
- Connector (Datagen source connector) + Avro
- Manage and Deploy Schemas to Confluent Cloud Schema Registry.
- Manage and Deploy Topics to Confluent Cloud.
Schema Link to Confluent Cloud
- Manage Schema Registry exporters to Confluent Cloud.
Policy as Code with CFK and Kyverno
- Enforce policy rules. Example with maximum number of partitions for a
- Enforce policy rules. Example with maximum number of partitions for a
Policy as Code with CFK and Gatekeeper
- Enforce policy rules. Example with maximum number of partitions for a
- Enforce policy rules. Example with maximum number of partitions for a
SQL Server + Debezium + Connect
- SQL Server CDC with Debezium connector.