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Leveraging the Linode API

This is a place to document complex (and not-so-complex) solutions for leveraging the Linode API. This is not the place to learn how to use the API. Please see the API documentation if you're just getting started.

Getting Started

Many solutions in this repo require jq to be installed locally.

The Linode CLI can be used in place of the curl used in this guide.

A jq primer


jq is a very high-level functional programming language best used for managing JSON data. It should be thought of as a program that takes a JSON input and produces a filtered output. It is used similar to how you'd use sed, awk, or grep with plain text.

Prettify JSON

# Doesn't change data, only reformats it.
...stdout | jq '.'
# Without jq formatting
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

{"region": "us-east", "updated": "2018-06-01T21:05:17", "created": "2018-01-19T12:11:42", "ipv6": "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe0c:1b48/64", "backups": {"enabled": true, "schedule": {"window": "Scheduling", "day": "Scheduling"}}, "id": 5365909, "alerts": {"transfer_quota": 80, "network_in": 10, "network_out": 10, "cpu": 90, "io": 10000}, "group": "Test Linodes", "type": "g5-nanode-1", "specs": {"memory": 1024, "disk": 20480, "transfer": 1000, "vcpus": 1}, "image": "linode/centos6.8", "hypervisor": "kvm", "ipv4": [""], "label": "CentOS-7", "watchdog_enabled": true, "status": "running"}
# With jq formatting
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.'

  "region": "us-east",
  "updated": "2018-06-01T21:05:17",
  "created": "2018-01-19T12:11:42",
  "ipv6": "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe0c:1b48/64",
  "backups": {
    "enabled": true,
    "schedule": {
      "window": "Scheduling",
      "day": "Scheduling"
  "id": 5365909,
  "alerts": {
    "transfer_quota": 80,
    "network_in": 10,
    "network_out": 10,
    "cpu": 90,
    "io": 10000
  "group": "Test Linodes",
  "type": "g5-nanode-1",
  "specs": {
    "memory": 1024,
    "disk": 20480,
    "transfer": 1000,
    "vcpus": 1
  "image": "linode/centos6.8",
  "hypervisor": "kvm",
  "ipv4": [
  "label": "CentOS-7",
  "watchdog_enabled": true,
  "status": "running"

Filtering JSON data

# A simple filter. Returns the value of key .foo and can be chained for nested objects.
$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.specs'

  "memory": 1024,
  "transfer": 1000,
  "vcpus": 1,
  "disk": 20480
# Chaining filters for nested objects
$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.specs | .memory'


Handling Arrays

# A JSON value can be a string, number, boolean, null, an object, and even an array. Arrays are
# handled with a slight change in syntax:

...stdout | jq '.foo[]'
# You can select a specific element of an array by providing the index:

# First element
...stdout | jq '.foo[0]'

# Third element
...stdout | jq '.foo[2]'

# Last element
...stdout | jq '.foo[-1]'

# Second to last element
...stdout | jq '.foo[-2]'

Solution Patterns with Examples

⚠️ Deleting services or disks

I hesitate to offer actual commands for removing services since an error here could be catastrophic.

--- List all Linode IDs ---

# This call is the starting point for more complex calls where we'll
# pass this list to another function for further processing.

$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.data[] | .id'

--- Perform action on all Linodes ---

List network helper status for all Linodes:
# First, grab all Linode IDs. Then, make a second API call to print the status of
# 'Auto-configure networking' for each Linode's configuration profile(s).

$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.data[] | .id' | while read line; do echo "===$line==="; \
  curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \$line/configs | egrep -o '"network": [a-z]*'; done;

--- Filter Linodes based on some quality ---

Using X-Filter is a convenient way to do simple filtering, but not all keys are filterable. The examples below filter with jq.

Show all Linode IDs for Linodes with backups disabled:
# Here, we print the Linode IDs for all Linodes with backups disabled. 
# This takes advantage of the select function to filter for enabled == true.

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.data[] | select(.backups.enabled == false) | .id'

--- Perform action on filtered list of Linodes ---

Boot all powered off Linodes:
# First, create filtered list of IDs for all powered off Linodes. Then, iterate over
# filtered list to boot Linodes.

$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.data[] | select(.status == "offline") | .id ' | while read line; do echo "Booting $line"; \
  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -X POST \$line/boot; done;
Upgrade (mutate) all legacy (< g6) Linodes:
# First, create filtered list of IDs for all legacy Linodes. Then, iterate over
# filtered list to mutate.

$ curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ | jq '.data[] | select(.type|test("^g6.")|not) | .id' | while read line; do echo "Mutating $line"; \
  curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -X POST \$line/mutate; done;


Collection of Linode API solutions







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