Wave Protocol is an onchain crowdfunding system built upon the Nouns Governance ecosystem to permissionlessly and meritocratically democratize access to Nouns contributions in the form of proposals.
At its heart, the protocol offers Nouns governance proposals as a service to the Nouns peripheral community who may not be capitalized enough to afford the 2 Nouns NFTs required to push their proposal onchain. The result is democratization of access to the Nouns sphere by lowering the barrier of entry for anyone with a worthy idea and desire to contribute.
The protocol makes use of currently unproductive Nouns token voting power to engender a competitive idea machine powered by the untapped market of non-tokenholder mindshare.
Economic incentives for each type of protocol participant (Nounders, Idea Creators, and Sponsors) are aligned by compensating Nouns token delegators with yield, granting Idea Creators competitive access to pushing Nouns proposals onchain, and Idea Sponsors with scouting provenance and lobbying opportunities.