Title | Added | Status | Last reviewed |
Task Details component |
v2.0.0 |
Active |
2018-11-13 |
Shows the details of the task ID passed in as input.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
debugMode | boolean |
false | Toggles debug mode. |
fieldValidators | FormFieldValidator [] |
[] | Field validators for use with the form. |
readOnlyForm | boolean |
false | Toggles read-only state of the form. All form widgets render as read-only if enabled. |
showChecklist | boolean |
true | Toggles Checklist feature for the Header component. |
showComments | boolean |
true | Toggles Comments feature for the Header component. |
showFormCompleteButton | boolean |
true | Toggles rendering of the Complete outcome button. |
showFormRefreshButton | boolean |
true | Toggles rendering of the Refresh button. |
showFormSaveButton | boolean |
true | Toggles rendering of the Save outcome button. |
showFormTitle | boolean |
false | Toggles rendering of the form title. |
showHeader | boolean |
true | Toggles task details Header component. |
showHeaderContent | boolean |
true | Toggles collapsed/expanded state of the Header component. |
showInvolvePeople | boolean |
true | Toggles Involve People feature for the Header component. |
showNextTask | boolean |
true | Automatically renders the next task when the current one is completed. |
taskId | string |
(required) The id of the task whose details we are asking for. |
Name | Type | Description |
assignTask | EventEmitter <void> |
Emitted when a task is assigned. |
claimedTask | EventEmitter <string> |
Emitted when a task is claimed. |
error | EventEmitter <any> |
Emitted when an error occurs. |
executeOutcome | EventEmitter < FormOutcomeEvent > |
Emitted when any outcome is executed. Default behaviour can be prevented via event.preventDefault() . |
formCompleted | EventEmitter < FormModel > |
Emitted when the form is submitted with the Complete outcome. |
formContentClicked | EventEmitter < ContentLinkModel > |
Emitted when the form field content is clicked. |
formLoaded | EventEmitter < FormModel > |
Emitted when the form is loaded or reloaded. |
formSaved | EventEmitter < FormModel > |
Emitted when the form is submitted with the Save or custom outcomes. |
taskCreated | EventEmitter < TaskDetailsModel > |
Emitted when a checklist task is created. |
taskDeleted | EventEmitter <string> |
Emitted when a checklist task is deleted. |
unClaimedTask | EventEmitter <string> |
Emitted when a task is unclaimed. |
By default the Task Details component shows a simple "No Tasks" message when there are no details. You can change this by adding the a custom HTML template as in the following example:
<adf-task-details [taskId]="taskId">
<h1>Sorry, no tasks here</h1>
<img src="example.jpg">
Note that you can use any HTML content in the template, including other Angular components.