Python scripts which uses Simple Salesforce to create, refresh, and delete sandboxes.
The environment requires Python 3 and the Salesforce CLI (sf
This Salesforce issue with Public Groups in sandboxes has been resolved with API version 61. The simple salesforce connection must be established at API version 61 in order for
to be present in the Tooling API. The scripts should connect to your Production org at the latest API version supported.
You can authenticate to your Production org in 1 of 2 ways using the Salesforce CLI.
- Authenticate using an existing alias
- Authenticate using a Force Auth URL
Please ensure you only use one of the 2 flags for authentication. If you provide both, it will default to alias first.
To authenticate with an existing alias, you must provide the sandbox script with the --alias
Optionally, you can run the included SFDX authenticate script with the Force Auth URL and the desired alias before you run the sandbox scripts.
$ python ./scripts/python/ --alias "PRODUCTION" --url $PRODUCTION_AUTH_URL
-a, --alias=<value> Production Alias used when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI.
-u, --url=<value> Production Force Auth URL.
To authenticate directly with a Force Auth URL, you must at least have Salesforce CLI 2.24.4 or newer installed.
You must provide the sandbox script with the --url
The create/refresh sandbox script and the delete sandbox script will process a JSON file containg protected sandboxes if the file is found. If a user attempts to refresh or delete a sandbox in the JSON file, the script will end with a failure.
By default, the scripts will look for a JSON file named .protectedsandboxes.json
in the running directory that follows this format:
"do_not_refresh": ["FullQA", "dev"]
$ python ./scripts/python/ --alias "PRODUCTION" --sandbox "$SANDBOX" --license {Developer,Developer_Pro,Partial,Full} [-c CLASS_VALUE] [-g GROUP] [--url $FORCE_AUTH_URL] [--json ".protectedsandboxes.json"]
-a, --alias=<value> Production Alias used when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --url flag.
-s, --sandbox=<value> Name of the sandbox to create or refresh.
-l, --license=<value> License type to create/refresh the sandbox as. Valid options are {Developer,Developer_Pro,Partial,Full}.
-c, --class=<value> [OPTIONAL] Apex Class ID to run post sandbox activation.
-g, --group=<value> [OPTIONAL] Public Group ID (aka Activation User Group ID) to provide sandbox access.
-u, --url=<value> Production Force Auth URL to use when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --alias flag.
-j, --json=<value> Path to the JSON file containing the protected sandboxes to not refresh. Default is ".protectedsandboxes.json".
The above script either creates a new sandbox or refreshes an existing sandbox. Sandbox refreshes will auto-activate, so you will not be able to revert the sandbox once this script runs.
The force-app/main/default/classes/PrepareMySandbox.cls
apex class in this project is designed to run post sandbox refresh and do the following operations:
- Set all active users in the public group named 'FullTime Developers' to the 'Admin-SoD-PreProd-Delivery' profile
- Assign all active users in the public group named 'FullTime Developers' the "Author_Apex" permission set provided in this repo
- Assign all active users in the public group named 'FullTime Developers' the Administrator role provided in this repo
- Reset passwords for all active users in the public group named 'FullTime Developers'
To use this Apex Class in sandbox creations and refreshes, the class must be deployed to your Production org. Update the class and test class with your public group name and the desired profile/permission set/role if you want to use ones you already have. Update the test class to set the oldProfile
to a different profile to confirm the class is working as intended. Update the test class to create different test users (emails).
If you'd like, you can deploy the Author_Apex
permission set, the Admin-SoD-PreProd-Delivery
and Admin-SoD-Prod-Delivery
profiles, the FullTime Developers
public group, and Administrator
role provided in this repo and referenced in the Apex classes to your production org if you'd like to use them.
$ python ./scripts/python/ --alias "PRODUCTION" --sandbox "$SANDBOX" [--url $FORCE_AUTH_URL] [--json ".protectedsandboxes.json"]
-a, --alias=<value> Production Alias used when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --url flag.
-s, --sandbox=<value> Name of the sandbox to delete.
-u, --url=<value> Production Force Auth URL to use when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --alias flag.
-j, --json=<value> Path to the JSON file containing the protected sandboxes to not refresh. Default is ".protectedsandboxes.json".
This script will delete sandboxes assuming the sandbox meets deletion criteria.
$ python ./scripts/python/ --alias "PRODUCTION" --sandbox "$SANDBOX" [--url $FORCE_AUTH_URL]
-a, --alias=<value> Production Alias used when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --url flag.
-s, --sandbox=<value> Name of the sandbox to query.
-u, --url=<value> Production Force Auth URL to use when authenticating with the Salesforce CLI. Do not provide this if you are using the --alias flag.
This script can be used to check the current sandbox status.
When the sandbox is ready for use, the status will be Completed
Sample CI/CD workflows for GitHub and GitLab have been included. For other CI/CD platforms, please ensure the container used contains Python and the simple salesforce library. The scripts themselves require no updates for other platforms.
For GitLab (.gitlab-ci.yml
- Add the
variable in your repo CI/CD variables. - The pipeline source is web. Go to CI/CD → Pipelines and click the 'Run Pipeline' button.
- Add the
variable with the sandbox name. - Add the
variable with one of the valid license types (Developer,Developer_Pro,Partial,Full). - Optionally, add the
variable with the Apex Class ID. - Optionally, add the
variable with the Public Group ID. - Press
Run pipeline
. The create/refresh job will run automatically. The query and delete jobs will be manually triggered.
- Add the
For GitHub:
- All workflows will be manually triggered via workflow dispatch.
- All workflows require the
defined in your repo secrets. - The
Create/Refresh Sandbox
,Delete Sandbox
, andCheck Sandbox Status
requires asandbox
input with the name of the sandbox. - The
Create/Refresh Sandbox
must include 1 of the available options for the license type input. - The
Create/Refresh Sandbox
workflow optionally can include string inputs for the Apex Class ID and Public Group ID.