Lighthouse Laboratory is a 2D platformer game where users can move through levels and increase their score by collecting items while avoiding bugs and robots! Can you make it onto the leaderboard with the highest score and time? Live chat with friends as you play!
Created by Mike Brierley, Ruowen Tang, and Jacqueline Lee.
This game was inspired by our time as web development students at Lighthouse Labs. We wanted to showcase our skills in learning a new library(Phaser), using a new API(WebSocket), as well as building upon our skills on Javascript and React. Many elements in the game such as squashing bugs, avoiding covid bats, collecting Rubys, escaping a dark basement give ode to our months of hard work in becoming web developers.
- Phaser, Javascript, React, NodeJS, CSS, Tiled, PostgreSQL, Websocket, Express
npm install
to install dependenciesnpm start
to run server
npm install
to install dependenciesnpm db:reset
to create, load and seed dbnpm run local
to run server
nvm install 15.7
nvm use 15.7
Npm install -g node-pre-gyp
Brew install cairo pango jpeg-turbo
Brew unlink jpeg
Brew link jpeg-turbo --force
npm install
- phaser: ^3.17.0
- ws: ^7.4.5
- axios: ^0.21.1
- express: ~4.16.1
- pg: ^8.6.0
- pg-native: ^3.0.0
- cookie-parser: ~1.4.4
- cors: ^2.8.5
- debug: ~2.6.9
- morgan: ~1.9.1
- bootstrap: ^4.6.0
- node-sass: ^6.0.0