Library for interfacing many variants of Character Liquid Crystal Displays under MbedCE.
- Create a new project according to MbedCE instructions
- Add this as submodule to your project via
git submodule add --depth 1 TextLCD
- The top level
(in root of your project) should be modified according to this wiki page - Create your main.cpp file and copy & Paste example code below.
- Visit TextLCD/TextLCD_confg.h and change configuration according to your hardware. Some hints below.
- Build the project
// example for LCD 16x2 with i2c expander (aliexpress)
#include "mbed.h"
#include "TextLCD.h"
// fill your I2C pins in to I2C api object
I2C i2cBus(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);
// I2C bus, PCF8574 GPIO expander Slaveaddress, LCD Type
TextLCD_I2C lcd(&i2cBus, PCF8574A_SA7, TextLCD::LCD16x2);
DigitalOut led(LED1);
int main()
lcd.printf("Welcome to\nMbedCE community\n");
while(1) {
led = !led;
TextLCD is very advanced library what supports
- many sizes form 6x1 to 40x4.
- Parallel port (4bits = just 4 data bits), I2C-Bus or SPI communication.
- few GPIIO Expanders over I2C/SPI //TODO
This library was tested (02/2024) with Nucleo-F446RE, 16x2LCD with i2C expander (PCF8574), VS-Code under Win11, GCC 12.3 and MbedCE library