This OneWire library brings implementation of OneWire protocol over GPIO or UART for MCU without One-Wire module and its purpose (for now) to be just a part of another library with a Dalas device (like temp sensor DS18B20).
This library is able do two variants
- establish standard one-wire communication over GPIO pin
| | -----------------------> +3.3V
| | | ------
| +3.3V |--o--| 4.7k |-------
| | ------ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| GPIO |--------------------o-----> 1-wire bus/line
| |
| |
| GND |--------------------------> GND
| |
- establish one-wire communication over UART pins
| | -----------------------> +3.3V
| | | ------
| +3.3V |--o--| 4.7k |-------
| | ------ |
| | ------ |
| UART TX |-----| 470 |--- |
| | ------ | |
| | | |
| UART RX |----------------o---o-----> 1-wire bus/line
| |
| |
| GND |--------------------------> GND
| |
The variant with UART is for special cases. For example STM32L families are very slow in changing GPIO from output to input and then the one-wire can not achieve correct protocol timing.
Special thanks to Zoltan Hudak for his contribution to Mbed. Peace friend.