speech recognition for rebble
docker build --tag rebble-asr .
docker run --name rebble-asr -d --rm -e "PORT=443" -e "DEBUG=[debug mode]" -e "SPEECH_API_KEY=[api]" -e "MY_HTTP_REFERER=[HTTP referer]" -p rebble-asr
[debug mode] is 1 for debugging output written to the docker's /tmp/asr.log file; 0 for no debugging output
[api] is the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API key
[HTTP referer] is an HTTP referer authorized in the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text console for the API key
Optional command-line argument:
-e "ALLOWED_PHONES=[list]"
[list] is a comma-separated list of allowed phones based on the user-agent information provided by the phone.