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zesarux smartload test

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@maziac maziac released this 22 Mar 11:39

This is a very specific test release to find the zesarux crash reason. It changes some functionality:
It does not load the snag-file on start of a debug session.

Please try the following:

  1. Start Zesarux
  2. Start a debug session
  3. Check if Zesarux crashed.
  4. If not: load your sna file manually. Use the full path. In tab "DEBUG CONSOLE" enter
-e smartload C:....\yourfile.sna
  1. Check if Zesarux crashed (Note: The display in DeZog does not change yet, because it is not aware that a new program has been loaded)
  2. Do a step-over in DeZog. Now the display should change and you should see your program.
  3. Do further debugging in DeZog (step-over, step-into, continue etc.) and see if Zesarux crashes.

Please let me know what happens on your side. I.e. at which step Zesarux crashes or if does not crash anymore.