These are tuned to my own preferences, but maybe you'll find something useful in here. I'd like to document this more thoroughly in the future.
For now, here's a quick overview of my neovim and shell setups.
My neovim config comes with support for many things that make life easier for me. I use lazy.nvim as a plugin manager. Here's some functionality provided by plugins:
- mason.nvim, for installing tools (formatters, LSPs, linters, etc).
- LSP support (completions, integrated lookup, go to definition/references, etc).
- Code snippets.
- Treesitter.
- Telescope.
- Indentation markers.
- Integrated formatting and linting.
- Integrated debugging tools.
- Git and GnuPG integration.
- Vim bindings.
- FZF integration.
- Various convenience functions and aliases.
- Bat as cat/less.
- Eza as ls.
- Zoxide as cd.
- All of the good things that fish already has out of the box (syntax highlighting, autosuggestions, etc).