Interface: Single User Text Based Iterative Interface.
Requisite: Java SE 1.8
Open terminal (/command prompt) and go to "TinySQL_Interpreter" Project location.
Run the following commands:
javac -target 1.8 -source 1.8 -d ./out/ src/parser/.java src/storageManager/.java src/interpreter/*.java -Xlint:unchecked
cd out/
java -cp . interpreter/Main
A text based interface will open with following options: Enter 1 for Single Query Input Enter 2 for uploading Input File Enter 0 to exit the interface
Choose appropriate method and follow the instructions. The interface is iterative which means, after processing the given input it will present the above choices again for the next iteration.
Processing the input queries may take a while depending on the input size. Please be patient.
The output of individual iteration would be logged inside /out/Result.txt The output file Result.txt is rewritten on each iteration so make a copy if you need to persist the output. Note: It is better to open the output file in advanced editors instead of basic Notepad.