This is a command-line tool to administer Espresso Logic servers. It allows the creation, modification and deletion of many common objects, such as projects, database connection, resources and rules.
npm install espresso-admin-cli
Please note that, on Windows (and sometimes Mac), npm install
will create an executable
called espressoadmin
in your
directory. If this directory is not in your PATH
, you will probably
want to fix that, otherwise you'll have to specify the full path to the executable.
espressoadmin login <url> -u <user-name> -p <password> [-a <alias>]
The URL will normally be the address of the server, such as:
If you specify an alias, then you will be able to refer to that connection using that alias. This is useful if you plan to work with several servers at the same time.
Regardless, this command sets your current server -- see the use command below.
$ espressoadmin login -u fred -p secret
Logging in...
This server licensed to: Acme Inc.
Login successful, API key will expire on: 2014-11-27T03:36:55.266Z
espressoadmin logout [-a <alias>]
This will log you out of the current server, unless you specify an alias, in which case you will be logged out of that server.
espressoadmin use <alias>
This switches the current server to the specified alias.
espressoadmin status
Prints which server is the current server (if any) and project, and what aliases are defined (if any).
Defined aliases:
│ Alias │ Server │ User │
│ api │ │ admin │
You are currently logged in to admin server: as user acme
Current project is: Acme Sales [1234] - url_name: sales