git clone
cd wikichat-rss
npm install
- As a normal process
npm start
# Check that everything is fine
curl http://localhost:5432/?feed=project-chat
- As a daemon handled by systemd
# Uses sudo so you will be prompt for your password
npm run add-to-systemd
sudo systemctl start wikichat-rss
# Check that everything is fine
sudo systemctl status wikichat-rss
curl http://localhost:5432/?feed=project-chat
After having started the server, simply pass one of the feed URL to your local RSS aggregator.
- Wikidata Project chat => http://localhost:5432/?feed=project-chat
- Books WikiProject => http://localhost:5432/?feed=books-project
Edit ./feeds.js
to add more. Should hopefully work: it's based on scrapping those pages, which is always somewhat dirty.
Feeds are cached with a TTL of 12 hours. This can be customized in ./config/default.js
I'm using it locally with Thunderbird (tuto: en, fr), but in case you need to use it with an online aggregator, you will need to make this server accessible from the all mighty Internet.