Dictionary that supports slices.
Slict implements Mapping and accepts the [start]:[stop] index to slice tuple-keys along one or more of their dimensions.
Slict can wrap any other Python Mapping and is lightweight (O(1) in space). Try it with a chest, for example.
>>> from slict import Slict
>>> weather = Slict({("12pm", "Temperature"): 15., ("12pm", "Wind Speed"): 12.5,
... ("1pm", "Temperature"): 15.5, ("1pm", "Wind Speed"): 9.2})
>>> temps = weather[:,"Temperature"]
>>> for k in temps:
... print("The temperature at {:4s} is {:f}".format(k, temps[k]))
The temperature at 12pm is 15.000000
The temperature at 1pm is 15.500000
>>> noon_weather = weather["12pm",:]
>>> for k in noon_weather:
... print("The {:s} is {:f}".format(k, noon_weather[k]))
The Temperature is 15.000000
The Wind Speed is 12.500000
is on the Python Package Index (PyPI):
pip install slict