A higher-order component that "reshapes" a React component props object according to a map of from/to path strings.
An alternative to a map function when no value transformation is required.
$ npm install --save reshep
import assert from 'assert';
import { shapeFrom, } from 'reshep';
const enhance = shapeFrom({
'history.push': 'changeRoute',
'match.params.foo': 'foo',
const Foo = enhance(({ changeRoute, foo, }) => {
/* ... */
import assert from 'assert';
import { shapeWith, } from 'reshep';
const enhance = shapeWith({
'match.params.foo': 'foo',
const Foo = enhance(({ match, foo, }) => {
// parent props are merged with new props
/* ... */
Takes a map of path strings and returns a higher-order component. The higher-order component picks values from the parent props and sets them on a new props object passed to the base component.
Type: { [string]: string }
An object map of path strings. The key is a path to pick from the parent props and the value is a path to set on the base component props.
Like shapeFrom
, except the new props are deeply merged with
the parent props.
The same as the pathMap
argument to shapeFrom
MIT © Max Hallinan