- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with zfs_nas
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This modules is the successor of the great Tiny NAS :-) In comparison with Tiny_NAS, it allows the normal load that you'd expect from a NAS.
The module sets up two servers sharing a filesystem through NFS (SMB is a roadmap feature). Development is at an early stage: there are oddities described in the Limitations section.
You have an option to let this module configure monit or you can configure monit yourself. I recommend to set a check interval between 15 and 60 seconds. Check interval in monit is called "cycle". We run our monit cheks every "1 cycles" (hence every 15 seconds). There are few modules available to configure monit.
sanoid package is not available. It can be compiled following the instructions: Install Sanoid
zfs repositories and gpg key are needed in CentOS (I haven't tested CentOS 8 yet) and I am using the package provided by zfs
Zfs_nas will will set cron jobs inside the file /etc/cron.d/zfs-auto-snapshot
Furthermore, every 15 seconds, syncoid will run on the slave, to pull data from the master.
The zpool is created with the name zfs_nas
. I don't see a reason to customize the name.
In hiera you could have something as following:
- "test-zfs01.domain.org"
- "test-zfs02.domain.org"
- ''
- ''
- '2001:.....:233'
- '2001:.....:234'
vip_ip4: ''
vip_ip4_subnet: 22
vip_ip6: '2001:.....:235'
vip_ip6_subnet: 64
pool_disks: 'sdb'
ensure: present
- 'rw=@,sec=insecure,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check'
- 'rw=@,sec=insecure,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check'
- 'rw=@2001.....12c,sec=,insecure,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check'
- 'rw=@2001.....12d,sec=insecure,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check'
ssh_pub_key: 'AAAAB3N.......zNTg/NjqJ'
ssh_id_rsa: >
And you call the module as following:
$ssh_id_rsa = Sensitive(lookup('ssh_id_rsa'))
class { 'zfs_nas':
zfs_shares => lookup('zfs_shares'),
pool_disks => lookup('pool_disks'),
nodes_hostnames => lookup('nodes_hostnames'),
nodes_ip4 => lookup('nodes_ip4'),
nodes_ip6 => lookup('nodes_ip6'),
vip_ip4 => lookup('vip_ip4'),
vip_ip4_subnet => lookup('vip_ip4_subnet'),
vip_ip6 => lookup('vip_ip6'),
vip_ip6_subnet => lookup('vip_ip6_subnet'),
ssh_id_rsa => $ssh_id_rsa,
ssh_pub_key => lookup('ssh_pub_key');
zfs_nas::client { '/test':
ensure => present,
server => 'test-zfs.domain.org', # this is the VIP of the cluster
share => '/zfs_nas/test_influx';
- sanoid package must be compiled following the instructions available here: Install Sanoid
- repositories are only needed for CentOS, and they are not handled properly (I didn't find a place to fetch the GPG key): this module will install the repository through the package provided by zfsonlinux
- I started playing with Litmus and there is no unit test available yet (you trust what I'm doing)
Feel free to make pull requests and/or open issues on Zfs Nas GitHub Repository
The idea for this module originated from this post: How to perform incremental / continuous backups of zfs pool?