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Base Java test framework for fast, scalable and atomic tests

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Atomic Tests

Base Java test framework for fast, scalable and atomic tests


  • Maven - Dependency management and build automation tool
  • TestNG - Testing framework
  • Hamcrest - Framework for writing matcher objects
  • Selenium - Web Browser Automation
  • Project Lombok - Library that spicing up Java syntax
  • ReportPortal - Test automation analytics platform and real-time reporting
  • Sauce Labs - Cross Browser Testing cloud
  • Html Elements - Extension of WebDriver Page Object


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cd atomic-tests/


mvn test -pl core,example

Example of running demo test on your laptop

mvn test -pl core,example -Denv=GOOGLE\webdriver\chromedriver.exe -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=src/test/resources/suite/demo.xml


Note. As usual for JVM options each parameter must follow -D.

Parameter Default Description
surefire.suiteXmlFiles Path for TestNG test suite XML file to execute. Mandatory. Path for your local chromedriver.exe. Required to run tests in your local Chrome.
webdriver.gecko.driver Path for your local geckodriver.exe. Required to run tests in your local Firefox.
webdriver.edge.driver Path for your local MicrosoftWebDriver.exe. Required to run tests in your local Edge. Path for your local IEDriverServer.exe. Required to run tests in your local IE. CHROME Browser to run tests against. Supported ones: CHROME, FIREFOX, EDGE, IE, SAFARI.
browser.size 1920x1080 Size of browser window.
browser.device Enables mobile device emulation mode in Chrome if specified. Not applicable for other browsers. Examples: Pixel 2, iPhone X.
pageLoadTimeout 60 Seconds to wait until any page to be loaded. Exceeding throws TimeoutException.
defaultWaitTimeout 30 Default timeout in seconds for WebDriverWait conditions. Exceeding throws TimeoutException.
env Test environment to run tests in. There might be for example DEV, STAGE, PROD environments in your project. GOOGLE is available for demo.
log.level TRACE Root log level. Supported values: OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL.
sauceCreds To run tests in Saucelabs you will need to specify <username>:<access_key>.
sauceTunnel To grant Saucelabs access to web resources in VPN you will need to specify <tunnel_id>.
rp.endpoint To use ReportPortal you need to specify URL of ReportPortal web service, where requests should be send to.
rp.uuid Your ReportPortal UUID
rp.enable Boolean. Enable/Disable logging to Report Portal.
rp.project Project name in ReportPortal to identify scope.
rp.keystore.resource Path for your reportportal-client-v2.jks.
rp.keystore.password Access password for JKS (certificate storage) package, mentioned above.
rp.launch Name of test run in ReportPortal. Example with Jenkins variables: $JOB_NAME in $env against ${}.
rp.description Description of test run in ReportPortal. Example with Jenkins variables: Jenkins $JOB_NAME #$BUILD_NUMBER in $env against ${} ($branch).
rp.tags Set of tags separated by ; with any additional meta data for current test run in ReportPortal. Example with Jenkins variables: Jenkins; Saucelabs; #$BUILD_NUMBER; $env; $branch; ${surefire.suiteXmlFiles}; ${}.
rp.convertimage false Boolean. Set true to convert colored log images to grayscale for reducing image size.
rp.mode DEFAULT Supported values: DEFAULT, DEBUG. With DEBUG a run will not be available in ReportPortal for users with Customer role.
rp.skipped.issue false Boolean. With true skipped tests are considered as issues and marked as To investigate.
rp.batch.size.logs 10 In order to rise up performance and reduce number of requests to server.
rp.group_by_folder false Set true to represent folders with features as nested suites in ReportPortal.


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