This is yet another, open source, and very simple ODM for MongoDB. It works like the standard MongoDB PHP extension interface but returns objects instead of arrays (as ODM). Queries stay the same. One of its coolest features are joins which allow you to query for related objects.
List of features:
- String IDs (easier linking in views)
- Embedded objects
- Related objects (performing "join like" operations)
- JSON format
- Paginator
- Timestamps (created_at and updated_at fields added on demand)
- Printing date and time
- Transactions (PHP error support only)
- PHP 5.3+
- PHP MongoDB Extension
You can simply download it here or use Composer.
In the require
key inside the composer.json
file add the following
"mawelous/yamop": "dev-master"
Save it and run the Composer update command
$ composer update
After Composer is done you only need to add the following lines to your code
$connection = new \MongoClient( 'your_host' );
\Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper::setDatabase( $connection->your_db_name );
You can pass any MongoDB
instance to the setDatabase
Now extend Mawelous\Yamop\Model
from within any of your models:
class User extends \Mawelous\Yamop\Model
protected static $_collectionName = 'users';
That's it!
Each object has an _id
, which is a MongoId
, and an id
key which is its string representation.
Every document in MongoDB
is returned as an object, every key is a property - here a sample document inside MongoDB
"_id": ObjectId("51b6ea4fb7846c9410000001"),
"name": "John Doe",
"birthdate": ISODate("2013-05-25T12:15:25.0Z"),
"email": ""
The document above would be represented in PHP as follows:
public '_id' =>
public '$id' => string '51b6ea4fb7846c9410000001' (length=24)
public 'name' => string 'John Doe' (length=8)
public 'birthdate' =>
public 'sec' => int 1369484125
public 'usec' => int 0
public 'email' => string '' (length=18)
public 'id' => string '51b6ea4fb7846c9410000001' (length=24)
There are two possibilities to pass properties to object
// properties as array
$user = new User( array( 'name' => 'John', 'email' => '' ) );
// or each property separately
$user = new User;
$user->name = 'John';
$user->email = '';
After version 0.2.1 (excluding it) Yamop returns null
when you try to get a property that doesn't exist.
Want to get a document by its id? There is a simple way.
$user = User::findById( '51a61930b7846c400f000002' )
$mongoId = new MongoId( '51a61930b7846c400f000002' );
$user = User::findById( $mongoId )
Getting one document by query is simple too. Method findOne
works exactly like native findOne
but it returns an object. As second parameter you can pass an array of fields. This means the parameters and queries stay the same, which is pretty great!
$user = User::findOne( array( 'email' => '' ) );
$user = User::findOne( array( 'email' => '' ), array( 'email', 'username', 'birthdate' ) );
There is a Mapper
class in Yamop which is responsible for retrieving data. I separated it from Model
so it can stay as data container. If you want to create more complicated queries you want to use the mapper. You can get it by using the getMapper
method or creating new instance of it passing model class as string.
//first possibility
$mapper = User::getMapper();
//second possibility
$mapper = new Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper( 'User' );
introduced before for Model
is Mapper's
method. Model
just refers to it. You could call it like this
//findOne with Mapper
$user = User::getMapper()->findOne( array( 'email' => '' ) );
There is a find
method that gets more then one document. It also works like native find
but it returns a Mapper
. You can then perform other operations on it like sort
, limit
, skip
which all work like native as well.
To get result as array of objects use get
//You can call it directly with Model
$messages = Message::find( array( 'to_id' => new MongoId( $stringId ), 'to_status' => Message::STATUS_UNREAD ) )
->sort( array( 'created_at' => -1 ) )
->limit( 10 )
//or using Mapper itself
$messages = Message::getMapper()
->find( array( 'to_id' => new MongoId( $stringId ), 'to_status' => Message::STATUS_UNREAD ) )
->sort( array( 'created_at' => -1 ) )
->limit( 10 )
is equivalent to native findAndModify
but serves objects.
method is used to create and update objects. That's the code to create new object and write it to the database
$user = new User( array( 'name' => 'John', 'email' => '' ) );
You can get _id
of newly created object just after save
Deleting is simple
Those methods return the same results as the native remove
and save
methods. If you want to update multiple documents use the native function like here.
You can extend Mapper
if you want to add more methods. For example I created UserMapper which has a method that posts a message on an user's Facebook wall. Just let Mapper
know which Model
class to use.
class UserMapper extends Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper
protected $_modelClassName = 'User';
public function findActiveUsers( $limit = 10, $sort = 'birthdate' )
//method code
If you want to register a different Mapper
for a model just declare it in the model
class User extends Model
protected static $_mapperClassName = 'UserMapper';
Now you just execute the Mapper
$mapper = User::getMapper();
//and then
$mapper->findActiveUsers( 5 );
This will return an instance of UserMapper. You can also just create a new mapper
$userMapper = new UserMapper;
//and then
$userMapper->findActiveUsers( 5 );
All methods called on Mapper
that are not present are passed to the original MongoCollection
. So you can use update
, count
, batchInsert
, ensureIndex
and even drop
directly with the native methods.
Message::getMapper()->count( array( 'to_id' => $userId, 'to_status' => Message::STATUS_UNREAD ) );
array('status' => Contest::STATUS_READY_DRAFT,
'start_date' => array ('$lte' => new MongoDate(strtotime('midnight')) )),
array('$set' => array( 'status' => Contest::STATUS_ACTIVE) ),
array('multiple' => true)
Do you have more objects within the current object? Yamop will convert it automatically. Just let it know.
class User extends \Mawelous\Yamop\Model
protected static $_collectionName = 'users';
// One Address object embedded in address property
protected static $_embeddedObject = array (
'address' => 'Address',
// Many Notification objects embedded in array that is kept ass notifications
protected static $_embeddedObjectList = array (
'notifications' => 'Notification',
Then it will convert object embedded in address
field to Address
PHP object and notifications
array of objects to array of Notification
PHP objects. All embedded objects can be pure models - they can only extend \Mawelous\Yamop\Model
If there are relations between objects (there are sometimes) and you would like to "join" them, it's simpler than you would expect, even with MongoDB
. All you need is to keep the MongoId
of the related object within your base object.
You don't have to register it anywhere. In my opinion it's better to do this explicit and avoid queries in background.
Here's the magic:
The joinOne
method in every Model
takes three parameters. First is the name of the property which keeps the MongoId
of the related object, second is the related objects class, and third, optional, is the property name it will be joined at.
// contest_id property holds MongoId of related Contest object
$user = User::findById( new MongoId( $stringId ) )->joinOne( 'contest_id', 'Contest', 'contest')
// and there it is
$contest = $user->contest;
The joinMany
method in every Model
has also three parameters. First is the name of the property which keeps an array of MongoId
, second is the related objects class, and third, optional, is the property name it will be joined at.
// contests field is array of MongoIds
$user = User::findById( new MongoId( $stringId ) )->joinMany( 'contests', 'Contest', 'contests')
// and you have array of contests there
$contests = $user->contests;
If you want to join items to a list of items use join
in a Mapper
. Three parameters as in joinOne
$commentsList = Comment::getMapper()
->find( array( 'contest_id' => new MongoId( $contestId ) ) )
->join( 'user_id', 'User', 'author' )
->limit( 10 )
Default fetching mode converts arrays to objects but you can also get array or JSON with getArray
and getJson
As default getArray
returns array with keys holding MongoId
as string. If you want to receive numeric array call it with false param getArray(false)
//first possibility
->find( array( 'contest_id' => new MongoId( $contestId ) ) )
->find( array( 'contest_id' => new MongoId( $contestId ) ) )
/* second possibility
four fetch types as constants in Mapper
Comment::getMapper( \Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper::FETCH_JSON )
->find( array( 'contest_id' => new MongoId( $contestId ) ) )
/* third possibility */
->setFetchType(\Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper::FETCH_JSON )
->find( array( 'contest_id' => new MongoId( $contestId ) ) )
You can also get the native MongoCursor
by calling the getCursor
Yamop supports pagination with a little help from you. It has a getPaginator
method which has three parameters. First is the amount of items per page, second is the current page number, and the third is a variable which you can pass to your paginator. All three are optional.
->find( 'status' => array ( '$ne' => User::STATUS_DELETED )) )
->sort( array( $field => $direction ) )
->getPaginator( $perPage, $page, $options );
Your framework probably has its own paginator. Before you use the getPaginator
method you have to implement the _createPaginator
method in a mapper that extends Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper
Laravel would be extended like this:
class Mapper extends \Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper
protected function _createPaginator($results, $totalCount, $perPage, $page, $options)
return \Paginator::make( $results, $totalCount, $perPage );
It's common to have a created_at
and updated_at
key in our objects. If you want to have them be set automatically for your Model
, just declare it:
class User extends Model
public static $timestamps = true;
Whether you have a timestamp or not, you might still like to print the date or time. It's recommend to keep dates as MongoDate
this way you can echo it with getTime
or getDate
which takes two parameters. First is the MongoDate
property name, second is a string that represents format passed to the PHP date
//date as string
$user->getDate( 'birthdate', 'Y/m/d' );
//time as string
$user->getTime( 'created_at', 'Y/m/d H:i');
//time as string using default format set in $dateFormat
$user->getTime( 'created_at' );
has its default date format defined in the public static $dateFormat
property and a time format in $timeFormat
. You can override it if you like.
EXPERIMENTAL! - It's an addition to Yamop which works independently. It doesn't support a two phase commit but at least it can revert changes.
That's what Mawelous\Yamop\Transaction
is for. First you have to handle errors and run the rollback
method within it.
Similar to this:
set_error_handler( function($code, $error, $file, $line) {
require_once path('sys').'error'.EXT;
Laravel\Error::native($code, $error, $file, $line);
Then you can start using the add
method. With add
you add code to revert changes you made with save or update. You can use a closure to do that.
Here an example:
array('_id' => array ( '$in' => $userIds )),
array('$inc' => array ('active_contests' => -1 )),
array('multiple' => true)
Transaction::add( function () use ( $userIds ) {
array('_id' => array ( '$in' => $userIds )),
array('$inc' => array ('active_contests' => 1 )),
array('multiple' => true)
Now when error happens rollback
will invoke all added methods.
It's simple to have different connections for models. setDatabase
can take MongoDb
or array of MongoDbs
as param. Keys in array are connection names.
$db1 = ( new \MongoClient( 'your_first_host' ) )->first_db;
$db2 = ( new \MongoClient( 'your_second_host' ) )->second_db;
\Mawelous\Yamop\Mapper::setDatabase( array( 'default' => $db1, 'special' => $db2 ) );
This is how you specify connection name in model.
protected static $_connectionName = 'special';
If it's not specified model will use first connection.
Any issues or questions please report here
Yamop is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license