Combines minimist, typebox, ajv and better-ajv-errors for simple command line args validating.
Add to your project
yarn add @mauriora/minimist-better-ajv-errors-cli @sinclair/typebox
If the --help
option is used, the schema is shown as help :-)
Declare your schema, validate and either show errors or perform your task.
import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox';
import { ajvConsoleLogger, getArgs, isOptions } from '@mauriora/minimist-better-ajv-errors-cli';
const ArgsSchema = Type.Object(
bundle: Type.Optional(Type.Boolean({
default: true,
description: 'if set and false then bundle task will be skipped'
ship: Type.Optional(Type.Boolean({
description: 'if not set then a debug version is build'
_: Type.Optional(Type.Array(
maxItems: 0
color: Type.Optional(Type.Boolean({ description: 'Ignored' })),
additionalProperties: false
type Args = Static<typeof ArgsSchema>;
const buildPackage = async ({ bundle, ship }: Args): Promise<boolean> => {
const main = async (): Promise<boolean> => {
const args: Args = getArgs();
if (! isOptions(args, ArgsSchema)) {
ajvConsoleLogger(args, ArgsSchema);
return false;
return buildPackage(args);
.then(result => {
if (result) {
} else {
call your script:
> example.ts --ship
> example.ts --help
bundle: {
default: true,
description: 'if set and false then bundle task will be skipped',
kind: Symbol(BooleanKind),
type: 'boolean',
modifier: Symbol(OptionalModifier)
ship: {
description: 'if not set then a debug version is build',
kind: Symbol(BooleanKind),
type: 'boolean',
modifier: Symbol(OptionalModifier)
_: {
maxItems: 0,
kind: Symbol(ArrayKind),
type: 'array',
items: [Object],
modifier: Symbol(OptionalModifier)
color: {
description: 'Ignored',
kind: Symbol(BooleanKind),
type: 'boolean',
modifier: Symbol(OptionalModifier)