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This is my blog and I like to write notes about Life, Math and Computer Science.

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  • Hugo (static site generator)
  • Webpack (build tool for JS scripts)
  • d3, React (client side script libraries)
  • Bun (js runtime)


Code structure

Generated with tree --gitignore -L 3 -I dist/ -d .

├── site
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── _default     # Hugo config
│   │   └── development  # Hugo config overrides for development
│   ├── content
│   │   ├── notes        # Blogposts
│   │   └── sandbox      # Sandbox pages
│   ├── layouts
│   │   ├── _default     # Base layouts
│   │   ├── partials     # Fragments included in the base layouts
│   │   └── shortcodes   # Custom shortcodes (see hugo for more info)
│   └── static           # Static content
└── src
    ├── jukebox          # The easter egg page
    ├── main             # Animations, controls sidebars, header, footer
    │   └── css          # The styles of the app
    ├── sunset           # Footer animation
    ├── util             # Shared utilities
    └── voronoi          # Main page and header animation

The graph showing how partials are used:

Edit the diagram above


I use tailwind with two themes, the flow is as follows:

  • src/main/css/themes/ defines CSS variables on each theme.
  • src/main/css/main.css imports the theme files, this file is referenced from src/main/index.ts.
  • tailwind.config.js uses the module tw-colors as a tailwind plugin to create light/dark CSS rules based on special prefixed classes.
  • site/layout/_default/baseof.html has a global function that checks if a theme is defined in local storage, if so then it sets that value in the html dataset activating the css variables.

How to write classnames using a theme?

Example: hover:light:tw-bg-primary, for more info read the and the generated css file.

Bundled scripts

Build strategy: create multiple webpack library outputs, export metadata about the generated assets through the AssetsPlugin to site/data/webpackAssets.json, later when a page is rendered have hugo read the json file and decide the urls to use in the script tag.

To create a new global script:

  • create an entrypoint e.g. src/<app>/index.js
  • add it to webpack.config.common.js
  • create the partial that injects the script, create site/layouts/partials/scripts/<app>.html similar to other files in the same directory
  • use it in the desired page through {{ partial "scripts/learn-french.html" . }}
  • restart the server

How does it work?

  • webpack.config.common.js is configured to emit metadata about the entrypoints to site/data/webpackAssets.json
  • when the partial site/layouts/partials/webpack-script.html is used it'll create a <script> tag with a src url equal taken from webpackAssets.json (mapped using the id sent to webpack-script.html)
  • NOTE: in production the behavior is to embed the contents of the script directly instead of through a <script src=""> tag.

Local development

Install dependencies

brew install hugo
bun i

Start web server

bun start

Sandbox pages:

Prod like server

brew install mkcert
# Generate the certs
mkcert localhost ::1
# Install the certs into the system
mkcert -install


bun run build
bun run serve:prod

Building for prod

bun run build

Steps (from package.json):

  • build the sidebar html fragment with the sitemap-tree-generator.js script
  • create the site scripts with webpack, read webpack.common.js, write the output to dist/
  • build the static files, write the output to dist/

Manual steps in Netlify (setup done only once)

  • Configure the DNS redirects
  • Configure the site root directory to dist/

2015 - Present