MERN stack, universal JavaScript build with Express, React, React Router v4, Redux, MongoDB, Passport and Google OAuth 2.0.
Webpack to compile JavaScript, JSX and Sass.
- ESLint to lint JavaScript
- Babel Minify to compress JavaScript
- JavaScript compiles down to ES5, PostCSS and Autoprefixer compiles CSS for older browser compatibility
- HMR for development
- CRUD operations using MongoDB and Redux.
- Authentication using Passport, Google OAuth 2.0 and Redux
Requires a MongoDB installation. Listening on default port: 27017.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Compile client:
npm run compile
- Compile server:
npm run compile-server
- Run production / development environment
- For production:
node server.js
- For development:
npm run dev
(comment out stylesheet link for HMR)
- For production:
- Visit: http://localhost:3000
In a live server environment you may only want to install dependencies.
- Install dependencies:
npm install --only=production
Sass is compiled to autoprefixed and minified CSS. Javascript is linted and minified.
Webpack HMR live reloads JavaScript and CSS in the browser.
Licensed under MIT licence.