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dlegland edited this page Aug 24, 2015
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The imFilters packages contains various functions for filtering and transforming images. Functions may operate on grayscale, color, label images, and on 2D or 3D images.
imAdjustDynamic - Rescale gray levels of image to get better dynamic
imMeanFilter - Compute mean value in the neighboorhood of each pixel
imMedianFilter - Compute median value in the neighboorhood of each pixel
imGaussianFilter - Apply gaussian filter to an image, using separability
imDirectionalFilter - Apply and combine several directional filters
imNormalizeBackground - Normalize image by removing background estimate
imGradient - Compute gradient magnitude in a grayscale image
imLaplacian - Discrete Laplacian of an image
imHessian - Compute coefficients of Hessian matrix for each pixel
imEigenValues - Image eigen values from second derivatives
imEigenValues3d - Image eigen values from second derivatives
imVesselness2d - Vesselness of cuvilinear structures from Frangi paper
imRobinsonFilter - Extract image edges using Robinson directional filters
imKirschFilter - Extract image edges using Kirsch directional filters
imMorphoGradient - Morphological gradient of an image
imMorphoLaplacian - Morphological laplacian of an image
imrecerode - Perform a morphological reconstruction by erosion
imHConcave - H-concave transformation of an image
imHConvex - H-convex transformation of an image
imFlip - Flip an image along one of its dimensions
imRotate90 - Rotate a 3D image by 90 degrees around one image axis
imAddBorder - Add a border around a 2D or 3D image
imTranspose - Transpose an image (grayscale or RGB)
subsample - Subsample an array by applying operation on blocs
subsamplergb - Return a sub-sampled version of an rgb image.
imOtsuThreshold - Threshold an image using Otsu method
imImposedWatershed - Compute watershed after imposition of extended minima
imCannyEdgeDetector - Edge detection using Canny-Deriche method
imOverlay - Add colored markers to an image (2D or 3D, grayscale or color)
imSplitChannels - Split the 3 channels of a 2D or 3D image
imMergeChannels - Merge 3 channels to create a 2D or 3D color image
double2rgb - Create a RGB image from double values
angle2rgb - Convert an image of angles to color image
imGetHue - Extract hue of a color image, using rgb2hsv.
imGray12ToGray8 - Convert a 12 bits gray scale image to 8 bits gray scale
imBoundary - Compute the boundary image of a binary image
imFillHoles - Fill holes in a binary image
imDistanceMap - Compute chamfer distance using scanning algorithm
imDistanceClasses - Converts a distance map to a label image of regions
imSkeleton - Homothopic skeleton of a binary image
imLabelSkeleton - Label skeleton pixels according to local topology
imChainPixels - Chain neighbor pixels in an image to form a contour
imConvexImage - Compute smallest convex image containing the original pixels
imDistance - Distance map computed from a set of points
imDistance3d - Create distance image from a set of 3D points
label2rgb3d - Convert a 3D label image to a 3D RGB image
imKillBorders - Remove regions on the border of an image
imAreaOpening - Remove all regions smaller than a given area
imAttributeOpening - Filter regions on a size or shape criterium
imLargestRegion - Keep the largest region in a binary or label image
imCropLabel - Extract the portion of image that contains the specified label
imMergeLabels - Merge regions in a labeled image
mergeRegions - Merge regions of labeled image, using inclusion criteria
imBoundaryIndices - Find indices of boundary between 2 cells
imLabelEdges - Label edges between adjacent regions of labeled image.
imCreate - Create a new image with given the size and type
imCheckerBoard - Create a checkerboard image from 2 images
imCheckerboardLabels - Create a checkerboard label image
imThumbnail - Resize an image to bound the size in each direction
imDrawLine - Draw a line between two points in the image
bresenhamLine - Integer coordinates of a bresenham line
imDrawText - Draw some text in an image
imTpsWarp - Warp an image using Thin-Plate Splines transform
imLUT - Apply a look-up table (LUT) to a gray-scale image.
grayFilter - Compute configuration map of a binary image
grayHist - Compute frequencies of configurations in binary images
createTile - Create a binary tile (2x2) from its index
tileIndex - Return the index of a 2x2 binary tile
createTile3d - Create a 3D binary tile (2x2x2) from its index
tileIndex3d - Return the index of a 2x2x2 binary tile
ball - Generate a ball in a matrix in 2 or 3 dimensions
gaussianKernel3d - Create a 3D Gaussian kernel for image filtering
orientedGaussianKernel - Oriented Gaussian kernel for directional filtering
orientedLaplacianKernel - Oriented Laplacian kernel for directional filtering
cross3d - Return a 3D structuring element with cross shape
intline - Integer-coordinate line drawing algorithm.
strelDisk - Discrete disk structuring element
imNeighborhood - Return the neighborhood of a given pixel