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Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment.

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Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac for my personal preferences and configuring the right development tools.


  • Download and install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store
  • Open Terminal and run xcode-select --install to install command line developer tools

Be sure to open Xcode and agree to the terms of use.

System Settings

Go through System Preferences and configure as you wish. There is no need to itemize every configuration as new Macs usually have updates to these settings.


  • Disable Look up & data selectors
  • Enable Tap to click
  • Increase Tracking speed to 50%
  • Disable Force Click and haptic feedback
  • Disable Scroll direction: Natural
  • Set gestures for Swipe between pages to Swipe with three fingers
  • Set gestures for App Exposé to Swipe down with three fingers
  • Disable Launchpad gestures

Zoom Control

  • Under Accessibility, check the box for the setting to Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom and use the ^ Control option
  • Also disable Smooth edges in the Advanced section


  • Under Control Center, enable Bluetooth to display in menu bar
  • Under Control Center, enable Show Percentage in Battery section


  • Activate Mission Control and create 4 desktops
  • Customize the sidebar to only have a 2x2 weather widget and any necessary 1x1 clock widgets
  • Under Battery, click Options and disable Slightly dim the display on battery
  • Under Desktop and Stage Manager change click wallpaper to reveal desktop from always to only in stage manager
  • Under Mission Control disable Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use


  • Disable Show suggested and recent apps in Dock
  • Remove Downloads from dock and drag Documents into its place
  • Add Terminal app icon to the dock
  • Add Activity Monitor app icon to the dock
  • Add Calculator app icon to the dock
  • Add Digital Color Meter app icon to the dock
  • Add iOS Simulator app icon (from XCode app) to the dock
  • Add remaining app icons into the dock once they're installed with Homebrew


  • Create a repos folder on the desktop, if it's not already there
  • Open the repos folder and right-click and select Show View Options
  • Set the Sort By method to name
  • After setting the sort method, click Use as defaults to apply to all Finder windows
  • Drag repos folder into the left sidebar (bottom) as a shortcut
  • Find the root mattmilburn folder and drag it to the left sidebar (top) as a shortcut


  • In the app settings, set the New window with profile option to Pro
  • In the app settings, set the Profile to Pro and the font size to 18
  • In the app settings, set the Pro theme as default
  • Import .zshrc contents into ~/.zshrc
  • Import .gitconfig contents into ~/.gitconfig

Apps and Coding Environment


Install Homebrew.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install apps

Navigate to same location as the Brewfile and run:

brew bundle

Setup nvm

Create the directory for .nvm if it does not already exist.

mkdir ~/.nvm

Add this to the end of your ~/.zshrc file.

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/

Now, either restart the terminal or run:

source ~/.zshrc

Finally, install whichever version of Node is needed:

nvm install 18.18.0

Code Editors


Customize settings

Open Settings > Editor and set the Default Font Size and Font Size to 16.

Enable keyboard shortcut command to toggle invisible characters

Open Settings > Keybindings and click the link for your keymap file. Paste this code to the bottom of that file:

  'cmd-shift-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles'

Install packages

Open Settings > Packages and install the following packages:


VS Code

Customize settings

Open Settings > Text Editor > Font and set the font size to 16.

Install extensions

Click the Extensions icon in the left sidebar and install the following extensions:

ES7 + React/Redux/React-Native snippets
Github Actions
GitLens - Git supercharged
GraphQL: Inline Operation Execution
GraphQL: Language Feature Support
GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting
Markdown Preview Github Styling
Prettier - Code formatter
Prettier ESLint


Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment.






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