Lambdabot is designed to be a simple example of a serverless slack chatbot which can be easily extended to work within a variaty of contexts. By itself, all Lambdabot will do is response to a DM in slack by reversing the text sent to it. The idea is that instead of using the static reverser interaction, the user will substitute other logic in and use the bot for more complex functions
Lambdabot is built in python3 and is deploy with terraform. Make sure terraform is installed and in your $PATH
- create a slack app. create slack app
git clone
cd lambdabot
cp lambdabot_config.json.example lambdabot.conf
edit lambdabot.conf with your specific info and save
python3 --apply
- Add custom auth on api_gateway to validate bot token
- Tighten permissions on ssm parameter store (currently buggy and only works to change permissions by destroying role. Attach role perms seem to also fail)
- Slash commands for bot