Intuitive NSDate extensions in Swift
let now = NSDate()
let nextWeek = now + 1.week
let dayAfterTomorrow = now + 2.days
// shortcuts #1
let today =
let tomorrow = NSDate.tomorrow()
let yesterday = NSDate.yesterday()
// shortcuts #2
let dayBeforeYesterday = 2.days.ago
let tokyoOlympicYear = 5.years.later
let birthday = 1987, month: 6, day: 2)
let firstCommitDate = 2014, month: 8, day: 15, hour: 20, minute: 25, second: 43)
let now = NSDate()
let christmas = now.change(month: 12, day: 25)
let thisSunday = now.change(weekday: 1)
// shortcuts
let newYearDay = now.beginningOfYear
let timeLimit = now.endOfHour
5.minutes.later.stringFromFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:SS")
//=> "2015-03-01 12:05:00"
//=> 1987, month: 6, day: 2)
if (birthday == 28.years.ago) {
// ...
if (lastCommitDate > 1.week.ago) {
// ...
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platform :ios, "8.0"
pod "Timepiece"
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