Example project demonstrating failure of poetry to correctly install packages with compiled dependencies.
When you have configured poetry to generate a setup file, for example by using:
script = "build.py"
generate-setup-file = true
and then attempt an editable install, poetry will include the module in the
generated wheel, which leads to it being added to the site-packages
breaking the whole point of the editable installation. Moreover, compiled
modules are not built in-place, meaning that the module cannot be used
"editably" even if that issue were resolved.
See poetry-core#335 for more details, and a potential fix.
To reproduce the issue, run pip install -e .
in the root folder of a checked
out copy of this repository. You will note:
is installed into the site-packages folder of the appropriate Python installation. (PEP 660 indicates that only the files necessary to create an editable installation should be included; see https://peps.python.org/pep-0660/#what-to-put-in-the-wheel ).cpp_module
is not built inplace in the local checked out copy of the module, which is necessary if you actually wanted to use the Python code in an editable manner. (This is an optional feature suggested by PEP 660; see https://peps.python.org/pep-0660/#build-editable).
If you comment out the poetry-core
build requirement in the pyproject.toml
uncomment the "poetry-core @ git+https://github.com/matthewwardrop/poetry-core.git@fix_editable_installs"
requirement, and then rerun pip install -e .
, things work as they should.
Using poetry
instead of poetry-core
does not fix anything.