I will be using serverless-stack.com to learn to build full-stack Serverless apps!
I would like to share my gratitude to the contributions of the Serverless Stack community.
Note: The serverlessStack-v5.0.pdf will only show highlights properly if you download the file, for some reason it cannot render the highlights as a github preview.
- Configure your AWS account
- Configure IAM
- Create your database using DynamoDB
- Set up S3 for file uploads
- Set up Cognito User Pools to manage user accounts
- Set up Cognito Identity Pool to secure our file uploads
- Set up the Serverless Framework to work with Lambda & API Gateway
- Write the various backend APIs
- Working with external APIs (Stripe)
- Deploy your app through the command line
- Set up our project with Create React App
- Add favicons, fonts, and a UI Kit using Bootstrap
- Set up routes using React-Router
- Use AWS Cognito SDK to login and signup users
- Plugin to the backend APIs to manage our notes
- Use the AWS JS SDK to upload files Accepting credit card payments in React
- Environments in Create React App
- Deploy your frontend to production using Netlify