Binary Ninja plugin to display the documentation of a Windows function in a sidebar widget.
This plugin adds a sidebar widget to Binary Ninja. If the cursor is set to a call
instruction the plugin detects the function's name a requests MSDN documentation.
The requested documentation is then displayed in the sidebar widget.
Each documented function is also saved to a cache file named cache.json
in the current plugin directory, meaning the plugin doesn't requests the doc for the same function everytime.
Clone this repository into ~/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/plugins/
Clone this repository into %APPDATA%/Binary Ninja/plugins/
Clone this repository into ~/.binaryninja/plugins/
- Improve scrapper
- Gif demo
- It might me possible to use binja's context to get the function's name instead of calling BNILs functions
- Eric Hennenfent for binja_explain_instruction which I used as templated for this plugin.
- Hacking Things for the URL I needed to make this work.
- kareemovic1000 from the Noun Project for the icon.