Open the terminal and clone the repository locally: Clone using a password protected SSH key (preferred)
$ git clone
or Clone with HTTPS using the web URL
$ git clone https://github.com/matteo-brg/lazyspectra.git
Install virtualenv using
python >= 3.8
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
Create the lazyspectra virtual environment based on python3.X (X>=8)
$ virtualenv -p `which python3.X` ~/lazyenv
Run the following command to activate the virtual environment
$ source lazyenv/bin/activate
(optional) Check the version of python being used in the virtual environment
(lazyenv) $ python -V
Install the required Python packages and dependencies. With the virtual environment active, move into the
folder(lazyenv) $ cd lazyspectra
and type
(lazyenv) $ pip install .
Install Betashape following the instruction http://www.lnhb.fr/rd-activities/spectrum-processing-software/ (V2.3 tested).
I suggest you to follow these steps: download the betashape folder, make every file inside the main betashape folder executable
chmod +x file_name
I highly suggest you to create a virtual link to the betashape directory. If the betashape directory has, let's say, betashape_path, create a virtual link in the chosen path (path_target)
cd path_target ln -s betashape_path path_target/betashape_rightversion
If you download a new betashape version, just change the previous link.
Make sure that the betashape directory is defined in the PATH. Write the following lines in your bashrc file
#ADDED FOR BETASHAPE export PATH="$PATH:path_target/betashape_rightversion"
reboot your terminal, and you should be good to go!
├── src # Project source code
├── scripts # Directory for scripts and executables
├── config # Directory for config files
├── notebook # Directory for jupyter notebook and guides
├── requirements.txt # Requirements file specifing the lists of packages to install
├── setup.py #
├── .gitignore # Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
└── README.md # README file
ASCII art tree structure taken from here
The README files are text files that introduces and explains a project. It contains information that is commonly required to understand what the project is about. At this link a basic guide on the writing and formatting syntax