LKKanban aspires to make it easy to interact with LeanKitKanban via python. Unlike other python LeanKit libraries, it is permissively licensed (it uses ISC). Although it aspires to provide a pythonic API, right now it is just a simple wrapper around the HTTP API, using Kenneth Reitz's excellent Requests. In fact, it currently only gets some data -- it cannot update a board. That should change soon though. See lkkanban.http_api.HttpApi for which endpoints are currently wrapped, until they all are (at which point this sentence will go away).
Using the HTTP API wrapper looks like this.
>>> from lkkanban.http_api import HttpApi >>> api = HttpApi('account', '', 'password') >>> api.get_boards() {u'ReplyText': u'Board(s) successfully retrieved.', u'ReplyCode': 200, u'ReplyData': [[{u'BreakoutBoards': None, u'Description': u'', u'Title': u'Our Board', u'DrillThroughBoards': [], u'IsBreakoutBoard': False, u'ParentId': 0, u'IsArchived': False, u'CreationDate': u'20/01/2012', 'Id': 10000000}]]}
API method names follow the Lean Kit docs, but with the CamelCase method names converted to PEP8 compliant names (so AddCardWithWipOverride becomes add_card_with_wip_override).
All methods return JSON.
Any method that should post takes a dictionary with the request body, with all names following LeanKit's docs.
Developed by Matt Bowen.