Data from Kaggle containing informations about costumers
There should be no necessary libraries to run the code here beyond the Anaconda distribution of Python. The code should run with no issues using Python versions 3.*.
This data set was created for learning purposes of the customer segmentation concepts. You own a supermarket and through membership cards, you have some basic data about your customers and want to improve your marketing strategy by understanding your customers characteristics and buying behavior and give that to your marketing team plan future campaigns.
- Mall_Customers.csv - demographic data for each costumer and score
- Mall-Costumer-Segmentation.ipynb - code that runs all the analysis
Below is a chart called "Elbow Method" and is used to identify the best number of clusters for the data.
Here we have two types of clustering, the first one on the left chart it was using a simple scatter plot with the costumer gender. On the right chart, we have four clusters analysing AGE and COSTUMER_SCORE using the Kmeans algorith . You will find other types of clusterings in the code.
This is a open data from Kaggle, must give credits to the owner and you can find it here. Otherwise, feel free to use the code here as you would like!