Player for Adobe Animate Atlas export format based on the Starling version.
public function new() {}
var assets:AssetManager = new AssetManager();
// target the folder that contains the Animation.json, spritemap.json and spritemap.png
- you can replace Animation.json by a zip version :
- the Atlas folder needs to be in an assets folder that is embed with the project (loaded resources in the next version)
- If you want several animations in the same Atlas, in Animate, create a MovieClip that contains MovieClips you want to add to the Atlas.
- A MovieClip is considered as an Animation if its timeline has 2 frames minimum
- The atlas (MyAtlas) is the name of the MovieClip container
private function start(assetsMgr:AssetManager):Void {
var myAnimation:Animation = assetsMgr.createAnimation("player_run");
- The name of the animation (player_run) is the name of the MovieClip Atlas or its children
- classic MovieClip methods are availables (play, stop, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, nextFrame...) and properties (currentFrame, totalFrames...)
You can dynamically attach an element in the animation, like swaping a weapon in the hand of the player with an other.
- The MovieClip that will contains the new asset has to be in a layer prefixed by an asterisk.
You can have several layers with the same name in differents MovieClips of the Animation and or on different layers.
var anItem:AnItem = new AnItem(); // Can be any DisplayObject including Animations myAnimation.addItem("*aTag",anItem);
You can remove the attached item
- Support for Animate Atlas 20+ (only optimized atlas on one sheet)
- Fix bugs with some animations
- Multi sheets
- Export from stage
- Support for non optimized atlas
- Clean Code
- Implements disabled parts of code
- support for Haxe 4.0.5
- support for windows and mobile exports
- value of currentFrame similar to Animate (1 to totalFrames)
- Support for animation in asset folder embed or not
- Bugs Fix
- Support for dynamic changes in assets added to an Animation
- support for file (Animation.json zip)
- conversion of Starling version