An Rest API developed with docker, redis and node.js. Basically a simple CRUD with user authentication and a post management.
The main reason to build that was related with my curiosity about containers, based on that, I decided to understand what's a container, how it works and why should I use it.
Before start with the installation, you need to have node.js and docker installed to run the project.
# Clone the project
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# To start the project, you need to create your own .env file, I commited a .env-example to help you, but you can change as you want.
# Start the project
$ npm run dev
# Start docker container
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
# Check if the enviroment is running
$ docker logs devops-node-docker_node-app_1 -f