Boilerplate to create Rest Apis with Mongoose, Express and ES6.
Project uses babel to use the ES6 features, the Mongoose ORM to make it easier to manipulate data with the MongoDB and the Express web framework to create the api.
To keep the code with a unique code style the boilerplate includes
Eslint with the airbnb-base
code style.
git clone
npm install
Development mode: npm run dev
Production mode: npm start
After configuring your database env variables remove the comments
on the ./index.js
// Remove the comment when you configured the database env variables
// import dbConnect from './src/database';
// dbConnect();
The project uses enviroment variables create some configurations.
Below you see the variables and the default values of it.
// App port
APP_PORT = 8888
// Database enviroment variables
// Mongodb URI to connect.
DB_URI = 'localhost'
// Mongodb port to connect
DB_PORT = '27017'
// Database user
DB_USER = ''
// Database password
DB_PASS = ''
// Database name to connect
DB_NAME = 'dbname'
This boilerplate uses the apidoc (apidocjs) to generate the documentation of your api. To generate the doc just run:
npm run doc
The documentation files will be generated on folder ./apidoc
For more information about the doc generation read the apidocjs documentation.