Quick reference sheet for D&D 5e and other RPG systems that you can customize yourself! Presets will be saved on you browser's local storage, so if you want your stuff to always be there make sure not to clean cache from this webpage or use incognito mode. I mainly created this for fun, to learn React and use it on my RPG sessions. This project was forked from https://github.com/crobi/dnd5e-quickref and remodeled to a more customizable version using React.
There are currently 2 preset configurations of data, one for DnD 5e and another for Tormenta20 (Brazilian RPG system). You cannot edit them directly but you can create a brand new Reference Preset by clicking on "Start New", this will create a new entry that will take the current view as the initial state for your new preset.
Also, always remember to save your changes after editing the items or the JSON directly
There is a section at the bottom of the page that will allow you to view and edit the JSON structure directly, make sure the structure follows the same existing pattern. There is currently not a lot of testing on this feature, so a few bugs can happen when editing this way.
You can view a static version the website by adding URL arguments (without editing buttons/functionalities). You can use this with your own created presets with {url}?preset={myPresetHere}. Example: https://matheusgabg.github.io/dnd5e-quickref/?preset=dnd5e
I do not own any of the data and information presented as part of this application. All text and descriptions in this app are owned by Wizards of The Coast and Jambô Editora.
All icons are provided by http://game-icons.net/