Users should be able to:
- Input mortgage information and see monthly repayment and total repayment amounts after submitting the form
- See form validation messages if any field is incomplete
- Complete the form only using their keyboard
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- React
- JDIZM Finance Calculator - To calculate monthly payments
- format-money-js
This project was a good refresher on forms, especially within React. I learned how to create controlled inputs and handle state logic to automatically submit the form when the user changes one of the inputs.
I would like to continue learning improving at writing React and clean code in general. For future projects, I would like to learn unit testing, react testing library, SCSS, tailwind, typescript, and svelte. For this project, I think I could have created a general input component that handles the active and error state logic but I also think my solution works pretty well anyway because most of that logic was handled in my CSS with input:focus and input[data-status='error'].
- Frontend Mentor - @mathematiCode
- BlueSky - @mathcoder
- LinkedIn - [Julianna_Messineo]