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density of rationals in reals
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affeldt-aist committed Oct 21, 2021
1 parent 6c627b3 commit f5fc73f
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Showing 3 changed files with 92 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
+ lemmas `segment_can_le_continuous`, `segment_can_ge_continuous`, `segment_can_continuous`
+ lemmas `near_can_continuousAcan_sym`, `near_can_continuous`, `near_continuous_can_sym`
+ lemmas `exp_continuous`, `sqr_continuous`, `sqrt_continuous`.
- in `reals.v`:
+ lemma `int_lbound_has_minimum`
+ lemma `rat_in_itvoo`
- in `topology.v`:
+ lemma `dense_rat`

### Changed

Expand Down
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions theories/reals.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -782,3 +782,79 @@ by move=> ltFxl; exists x=> //; move/lbP : (inf_lower_bound hs) => -> //; exists

End Sup.

Lemma int_lbound_has_minimum (B : set int) i : B !=set0 -> lbound B i ->
exists j, B j /\ forall k, B k -> j <= k.
move=> [i0 Bi0] lbBi; have [n i0in] : exists n, i0 - i = n%:Z.
by exists `|i0 - i|%N; rewrite gez0_abs // subr_ge0; exact: lbBi.
elim: n i lbBi i0in => [i lbBi /eqP|n ih i lbBi i0in1].
by rewrite subr_eq0 => /eqP i0i; exists i0; split =>// k Bk; rewrite i0i lbBi.
have i0i1n : i0 - (i + 1) = n by rewrite opprD addrA i0in1 -addn1 PoszD addrK.
have [?|/not_forallP] := pselect (lbound B (i + 1)); first exact: (ih (i + 1)).
move=> /contrapT[x /not_implyP[Bx i1x]]; exists x; split => // k Bk.
rewrite (le_trans _ (lbBi _ Bk)) //.
by move/negP : i1x; rewrite -ltNge ltz_addr1.

Section rat_in_itvoo.

Let bound_div (R : archiFieldType) (x y : R) : nat :=
if y < 0 then 0%N else Num.bound (y / x).

Let archi_bound_divP (R : archiFieldType) (x y : R) :
0 < x -> y < x *+ bound_div x y.
move=> x0; have [y0|y0] := leP 0 y; last by rewrite /bound_div y0 mulr0n.
rewrite /bound_div (ltNge y 0) y0/= -mulr_natl -ltr_pdivr_mulr//.
by rewrite archi_boundP// (divr_ge0 _(ltW _)).

Lemma rat_in_itvoo (R : realType) (x y : R) :
x < y -> exists q, ratr q \in `]x, y[.
move=> xy; move: (xy); rewrite -subr_gt0.
move=> /(archi_bound_divP 1); set n := bound_div _ _ => nyx.
have [m1 m1nx] : exists m1, m1.+1%:~R > x *+ n.
have := archi_bound_divP (x *+ n) ltr01; set p := bound_div _ _ => nxp.
have [x0|x0] := ltP 0 x.
exists p.-1; rewrite prednK // lt0n; apply: contraPN nxp => /eqP ->.
by apply/negP; rewrite -leNgt mulrn_wge0 // ltW.
by exists 0%N; rewrite (le_lt_trans _ ltr01) // mulrn_wle0.
have [m2 m2nx] : exists m2, m2.+1%:~R > - x *+ n.
have := archi_bound_divP (- x *+ n) ltr01; set p := bound_div _ _ => nxp.
have [x0|x0] := ltP 0 x.
by exists O; rewrite (le_lt_trans _ ltr01) // nmulrn_rle0// oppr_lt0.
exists p.-1; rewrite prednK // -(ltr_nat R) (le_lt_trans _ nxp) //.
by rewrite mulrn_wge0 // oppr_ge0.
have : exists m, -(m2.+1 : int) <= m <= m1.+1 /\ m%:~R - 1 <= x *+ n < m%:~R.
have m2m1 : - (m2.+1 : int) < m1.+1.
by rewrite -(ltr_int R) (lt_trans _ m1nx)// rmorphN /= ltr_oppl // -mulNrn.
pose B := [set m : int | m%:~R > x *+ n].
have m1B : B m1.+1 by [].
have m2B : lbound B (- m2.+1%:~R).
move=> i; rewrite /B /= -(opprK (x *+ n)) -ltr_oppl -mulNrn => nxi.
rewrite -(mulN1r m2.+1%:~R) mulN1r -ler_oppl.
by have := lt_trans nxi m2nx; rewrite intz -mulrNz ltr_int => /ltW.
have [m [Bm infB]] := int_lbound_has_minimum (ex_intro _ _ m1B) m2B.
have mN1B : ~ B (m - 1).
by move=> /infB; apply/negP; rewrite -ltNge ltr_subl_addr ltz_addr1.
exists m; split; [apply/andP; split|apply/andP; split] => //.
- by move: m2B; rewrite /lbound /= => /(_ _ Bm); rewrite intz.
- exact: infB.
- by rewrite leNgt; apply/negP; rewrite /B /= intrD in mN1B.
move=> [m [/andP[m2m mm1] /andP[mnx nxm]]].
have [/andP[a b] c] : x *+ n < m%:~R <= 1 + x *+ n /\ 1 + x *+ n < y *+ n.
split; [apply/andP; split|] => //; first by rewrite -ler_subl_addl.
by move: nyx; rewrite mulrnDl -ltr_subr_addr mulNrn.
have n_gt0 : n != 0%N by apply: contraTN nyx => /eqP ->; rewrite mulr0n ltr10.
exists (m%:Q / n%:Q); rewrite in_itv /=; apply/andP; split.
rewrite rmorphM (@rmorphV _ _ _ n%:~R); first by rewrite unitfE // intr_eq0.
rewrite ltr_pdivl_mulr /=; first by rewrite ltr0q ltr0z ltz_nat lt0n.
by rewrite mulrC // !ratr_int mulr_natl.
rewrite rmorphM /= (@rmorphV _ _ _ n%:~R); first by rewrite unitfE // intr_eq0.
rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr /=; first by rewrite ltr0q ltr0z ltz_nat lt0n.
by rewrite 2!ratr_int mulr_natr (le_lt_trans _ c).

End rat_in_itvoo.
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat eqtype choice div.
From mathcomp Require Import seq fintype bigop order ssralg ssrnum finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import matrix interval.
From mathcomp Require Import seq fintype bigop order interval ssralg ssrnum rat.
From mathcomp Require Import matrix finmap.
Require Import boolp reals classical_sets posnum.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4837,3 +4837,12 @@ by exists X; split; [exists x | rewrite -subset0; apply/A].

End density.

Lemma dense_rat (R : realType) : dense (@ratr R @` setT).
move=> A [r Ar]; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Ar)/nbhs_ballP[_/posnumP[e] reA].
have /rat_in_itvoo[q /itvP qre] : r < r + e%:num by rewrite ltr_addl.
exists (ratr q) => //; split; last by exists q.
apply: reA; rewrite /ball /= distrC ltr_distl qre andbT.
by rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ r)// ?qre// ler_subl_addl ler_addr ltW.

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