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adding setT to smallest stage
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zstone1 committed Jun 20, 2023
1 parent e19556e commit d4d342b
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 37 deletions.
92 changes: 55 additions & 37 deletions theories/topology.v
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Expand Up @@ -2128,35 +2128,35 @@ Qed.

Fixpoint smallest_filter_stage {T : Type} (F : set (set T)) (n : nat) :=
if n is S m
then [set PQ.1 `&` PQ.2 |
PQ in (smallest_filter_stage F m) `*` (smallest_filter_stage F m)]
else F.

Lemma smallest_filter_stage_sub {T : Type} (F : set (set T)) (i j : nat) :
(i <= j)%N -> smallest_filter_stage F i `<=` smallest_filter_stage F j.
elim: j i => //; first by move=> i; rewrite leqn0 => /eqP ->.
then [set P `&` Q |
P in smallest_filter_stage F m & Q in smallest_filter_stage F m]
else setT |` F.

Lemma smallest_filter_stage_sub {T : Type} (F : set (set T)) :
{homo smallest_filter_stage F : i j / (i <= j)%N >-> i `<=` j}.
move=> i j; elim: j i => //; first by move=> i; rewrite leqn0 => /eqP ->.
move=> j IH i; rewrite leq_eqVlt => /orP; case; first by move/eqP => ->.
by move=> /IH/subset_trans; apply=> A ?; exists (A,A) => //; rewrite setIid.
by move=> /IH/subset_trans; apply=> A ?; do 2 exists A => //; rewrite setIid.

Lemma smallest_filter_stageP {T : Type} (F : set (set T)) : F!=set0 ->
Lemma smallest_filter_stageE {T : Type} (F : set (set T)):
smallest Filter F = filter_from (\bigcup_n (smallest_filter_stage F n)) id.
case=> W FW; rewrite eqEsubset; split.
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
apply: smallest_sub => //; first last.
by move=> A FA; exists A => //; exists O.
apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists W; exists O.
by move=> A FA; exists A => //; exists O => //; right.
apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; exists O => //; left.
move=> P Q [i _ sFP] [j _ sFQ]; exists (P `&` Q) => //.
exists (S (maxn i j)) => //=; exists (P,Q) => //=; split.
exists (S (maxn i j)) => //=; exists P => //.
by apply: smallest_filter_stage_sub; first exact: leq_maxl.
by apply: smallest_filter_stage_sub; first exact: leq_maxr.
by exists Q => //; apply: smallest_filter_stage_sub; first exact: leq_maxr.
move=> A [B [n _]]; elim: n B A.
by move=> B A FB /filterS; apply; exact: sub_gen_smallest.
move=> B A [-> /[!(@subTset T)] ->|]; first exact: filterT.
by move=> FB /filterS; apply; apply: sub_gen_smallest.
move=> n IH /= B A [].
case=> P Q /= [sFP sFQ] PQB /filterS; apply.
rewrite -PQB; apply: (filterI _ _); first exact: (IH _ _ sFP).
exact: (IH _ _ sFQ).
move=> P sFP [Q sFQ] PQB /filterS; apply; rewrite -PQB.
by apply: (filterI _ _); first exact: (IH _ _ sFP); exact: (IH _ _ sFQ).

(** ** Topology defined by a subbase of open sets *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2188,23 +2188,43 @@ move=> ?; apply: (card_le_trans (card_image_le _ _)).
exact: fset_subset_countable.

Lemma finI_fromI {I : choiceType} T D (f : I -> set T) A B :
finI_from D f A -> finI_from D f B -> finI_from D f (A `&` B) .
case=> N ND <- [M MD <-]; exists (N `|` M)%fset.
by move=> ?; rewrite inE => /orP; case=> [/ND | /MD].
by rewrite -bigcap_setU set_fsetU.

Lemma smallest_filter_stage_finI {I : choiceType} T D (f : I -> set T) :
finI_from D f = \bigcup_n (smallest_filter_stage (f @` D) n).
rewrite eqEsubset; split.
move=> A [N /= + <-]; have /finite_setP [n ] := finite_fset N; elim: n N.
move=> ?; rewrite II0 card_eq0 => /eqP -> _; rewrite bigcap_set0.
by exists O => //; left.
move=> n IH N /eq_cardSP[x Ax + ND]; rewrite -set_fsetD1 => Nxn.
have NxD : {subset (N `\ x)%fset <= D}.
by move=> ?; rewrite ?inE => /andP [_ /ND /set_mem].
have [r _ xr] := IH _ Nxn NxD; exists r.+1 => //; exists (f x).
apply: (@smallest_filter_stage_sub _ _ O) => //; right; exists x => //.
by rewrite -inE; apply: ND.
exists (\bigcap_(i in [set` (N `\ x)%fset]) f i) => //.
by rewrite -bigcap_setU1 set_fsetD1 setD1K.
move=> A [n _]; elim: n A.
move=> a [-> |[i Di <-]]; [exists fset0 | exists [fset i]%fset] => //.
- by rewrite set_fset0 bigcap_set0.
- by move=> ?; rewrite ?inE => /eqP ->.
- by rewrite set_fset1 bigcap_set1.
by move=> n IH A /= [B snB [C snC <-]]; apply: finI_fromI; apply: IH.

Lemma smallest_filter_finI {T : choiceType} (D : set T) f :
D!=set0 -> filter_from (finI_from D f) id = smallest (@Filter T) (f @` D).
move=> Dn0; rewrite eqEsubset; split=> A.
case=> ? [C /=] CD <- CA; apply (filterS CA).
move=> G /= [FG DG]; apply: filter_bigI=> t tC; apply: DG; exists t => //.
by rewrite -inE; exact: CD.
apply; split; first apply: filter_from_filter.
- by case: Dn0=> d ?; exists (f d); apply: finI_from1.
- move=> i j [P /= PD <-] [Q /= QD <-]; rewrite -bigcap_setU.
exists (\bigcap_(z in [set` P] `|` [set` Q]) f z) => //; exists (fsetU P Q).
by move=> t; rewrite ?inE => /orP [/PD|/QD]; rewrite inE.
apply: eq_bigcap => //; split => z /=; rewrite ?inE.
by case/orP => ?; [left | right].
by case => ?; apply/orP; [left | right].
- by move=> ? [t Dt <-]; exists (f t) => //; apply: finI_from1.
filter_from (finI_from D f) id = smallest (@Filter T) (f @` D).
by rewrite smallest_filter_stage_finI smallest_filter_stageE.

End filter_supremums.

Section TopologyOfSubbase.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3799,7 +3819,6 @@ Qed.
End connected_sets.
Arguments connected {T}.
Arguments connected_component {T}.

Section DiscreteTopology.
Section DiscreteMixin.
Context {X : Type}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4006,7 +4025,6 @@ Qed.

End set_nbhs.

(** * Uniform spaces *)

Local Notation "A ^-1" := ([set xy | A (xy.2, xy.1)]) : classical_set_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -7950,4 +7968,4 @@ split; last exact: precompact_equicontinuous.
exact: precompact_pointwise_precompact.

End ArzelaAscoli.
End ArzelaAscoli.

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