A tiny library easing TCP connections handling. Provides a set of classes to connect a remote server as a client and is able to host a server on its own.
Non-blocking and asynchronous, uses delegation to notify about incoming data packets, connection state change.. Gives you a choice which dispatch queue you'd like to choose to receive the notifications.
All components are loosly coupled, as a result the code is testable and tested.
First of all define server's boot parameters
ServerConfiguration * configuration = [[ServerConfiguration alloc] initWithPort:57880
// Port - A number in range from 0 to 65535
// Chunk size - Buffer size
// Connection Timeout - Time of inactivity after which client's connection is going to be closed
// Maximal connections count - Number of clients allowed to connect
// Eventloop microseconds delay - Interval between server's main loop evaluations. Adjust depending on your network speed and device's resources utilization
// Errors begore connection closing - Number of errors after which the connection will be closed
Create a server with this specific configuration. By default all notification will be passed to the main dispatch queue.
NSObject<ServerHandle> * asyncServer = [[Server alloc] initWithConfiguratoin:configuration];
If you wish to use a different queue then create an instance in the following way:
server = [[Server alloc] initWithConfiguratoin:configuration
notificationQueue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)];
Notifications will be send only if the delegate of the server is set.
Otherwise connections won't be accepted and data received.
To receive notifications implement ServerDelegate
@interface ServerHandler: NSObject<ServerDelegate>
@implementation ServerHandler
-(void)newClientHasConnected: (Connection*) connection {
// Handle the connection here somehow, set connection's delegate
-(void)clientHasDisconnected: (Connection*) connection {
// Invoked when a client disconnected or the connection hung
If you want to use client analyse interface below:
@interface ClientHandler: NSObject<ClientDelegate>
@implementation ClientHandler
-(void)connectionHasBeenEstablished: (Connection *) connection {
// Handle the connection here somehow, set connection's delegate
-(void)connectionHasBeenClosed: (Connection*) connection {
// Invoked when a client disconnected or the connection hung
One additional step to make is to implement ConnectionDelegate
It is an interface which lets you be notified whenever data is received.
Set an instance as ConnectionDelegate
as soon as you receive newClientHasConnected
callback in case of ServerDelegate
or connectionHasBeenEstablished
in case of ClientDelegate
@interface ConnectionHandler: NSObject<ConnectionDelegate>
@implementation ConnectionHandler
-(void)connection:(NSObject<ConnectionHandle> *)connection chunkHasArrived:(NSData *)data {
// Parse the data or pass it through