Hope y'all like this repo cuz these are tha best ayyy
Apktool | Apk reversing | Java |
Burp Suite | Best proxy | Java |
Crunch | Custom wordlist generator | C |
Cutter | Radare2(reversing tool) gui | C++ |
Dirsearch | Directory, file fuzzing on web servers | Python |
Enum4Linux | Windows, smb enumeration | Perl |
Ffuf | Fast as FUck web Fuzzer | Go |
Ghidra | NSA Reversing tool(very good btw) | Java |
GitRob | Scan some1's github profile for creds | Go |
Gobuster | Directory, file(by type), and DNS fuzzer | Go |
Go-WindAPSearch | LDAP enumerator | Go |
Grip | Markdown preview in github template (saves u from literally 10 useless commits) | Python |
GTFO | GTFOBins cli fetcher(my favorite one) | Python |
Hash Identifier | Identify hashes | Python |
Httprobe | Scan a list of domains if http {and,or} https is working |
Go |
Joomscan | Joomla CMS enumerator | Perl |
LinEnum | Linux privesc checker | Bash |
{Lin,Win}Peas | New generation linux, windows privesc checker | C#, Bash, Batch |
nmapAutomator | Handy if u do multiple boxes at a same time(like OSCP) | Bash |
Rogue-MySql-Server | If there is a vulnerable sql server out there u can read files with this script ;) | Python |
RsaCtfTool | Get those keys boii | Python |
SecLists | HUGE repo of wordlist + some webshells | What the actual fuck do u think |
Shortcut | Shortcuts for literally every linux program | C |
PayloadsAllTheThings | Literally EVERYTHING u need | its a cheatsheet bro |
Pentestmonkey php-reverse-shell | Php revshell yes.. if u dont know whats the use of this learn more about hacking dont be a skid | Php |
SqlMap | Sql injection fuzzer, checker | Python |
Subfinder | Passive subdomain discovery tool(faster than Sublist3r btw) |
Go |
Sublist3r | Subdomain lister from search engines | Python |
Stego-Toolkit | Best for stego challs | Why are u lookin at this |
Unfurl | Returns only the domain of long ass urls | Go |
Waybackurls | Fetch the wayback machine for known urls of a domain | Go |
Bitwarden | Just a pw manager very casual |
dwm | Best wm, written in c, what else do u need?! | C |
st | Best terminal emulator | C |
dmenu | Best fkin program in the whole universe (Just take a look at my scripts repo :D) | C |
slstatus | Statusbar for dwm | C |
nnn | Best filemanager | C |
sxiv | Image viewer written in c like every good program | C |
wmname | Rescale fixer for java apps | C |
- Fast start
in current dir:sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data dominicbreuker/stego-toolkit /bin/bash
- If u want to use automatic rescale in java apps like
u will need this:wmname LG3D
- FIX for ghidra(java app btw) blank window in window managers:
- FIX for weird fonts in java apps:
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd'
scripts | Some very useful dmenu scripts that I use daily | Bash |
Arcolinux Archway install | A vanilla arch step by step install with explainations (I use this every time I install arch) |