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Logstash benchmark

I was wondering how different filters and ways of calling them affect performance of logstash, so I decided to do a simple benchmark. I tested logstash 1.4.2 (stable) and current devel version from github(from 5.10.2014).

How I tested

All test were done in VMware VMs and each had 6vCPUs (6x2,55GHz). None of the CPUs were occupied by any other VM, so logstash had the whole power just for him. When I was testing with 6 cores, 2 cores were on a different NUMA node, since I had 2x4core CPUs in my server.

Every test was done with 3 generator input plugin, generating 3 different log types (dovecot, postfix, roundcube). Every test had metric plugin loaded Every test was sending metrics to graphite using graphite output plugin

Every test was run for 30min:

  • 10 minutes with 1 worker and 3 CPUs
  • 10 minutes with 2 workers and 4 CPUs
  • 10 minutes with 4 workers and 6 CPUs

I used script to run all my tests.

Script does the following:

  • Set starting point ( enable 3 cpus only and set 1 worker) and run logstash
  • Run for 10 minutes then add 1 cpu and 1 worker
  • Run for 10 minutes then add 2 cpus and 2 workers
  • After 30 minutes, shutdown logstash

Usage: test-number version ( 1 stable )

Test scenarios

I tested a couple of different scenarios, to see how logstash performed.


  • No filter
  • Partial grok filters (only one match for every type)
  • Full grok filters inside config file
  • Full grok filters from patterns file
  • Full grok filters inside config file and some other modifications (date, mutate, rename)
  • Full grok filters from patterns file and some other modifications (date, mutate, rename)

Per test results and graph:

1. No filter

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 84176 61714
2 83825 67051
4 89235 68272

Rate graph

2. Partial grok filters (only one match for every type)

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 7099 10072
2 14593 20464
4 27796 39950

Rate graph

3. Full grok filters inside config file

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 5870 7813
2 11346 15724
4 22654 30283

Rate graph

4. Full grok filters from patterns file

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 1997 5381
2 3105 10364
4 5022 19249

Rate graph

5. Full grok filters inside config file and some other modifications (date, mutate, rename)

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 1945 2123
2 3380 2896
4 5952 5189

Rate graph

6. Full grok filters from patterns file and some other modifications (date, mutate, rename)

# of workers Stable LS Devel LS
1 831 1177
2 1526 2303
4 2865 4107

Rate graph


Test # 1 worker 2 workers 3 workers
Test #1 - stable 84176 83825 89235
Test #1 - devel 61714 67051 68272
Test #2 - stable 7099 14593 27796
Test #2 - devel 10072 20464 39950
Test #3 - stable 5870 11346 22654
Test #3 - devel 7813 15724 30283
Test #4 - stable 1997 3105 5022
Test #4 - devel 5381 10364 19249
Test #5 - stable 1945 3380 5952
Test #5 - devel 2123 2896 5189
Test #6 - stable 831 1526 2865
Test #6 - devel 1177 2303 4107


Logstash performance test






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