Compute hdmi_timings
and other timings for custom resolutions on my Raspberry Pi.
Possibly compute Modelines for X11.
Generate data that will allow to drive various displays the best we can, from any OS, on the command line.
Search automatically best timings for your display
Generate vcgencmd hdmi_timings
commands as needed.
Learn how displays are driven.
This does not generate EDID or INF as of now. ToastyX's CRU is nice for that.
Heavily inspired and helped by ToastyX's Custom Resolution Utility (also here).
Worked with this and that in mind.
Support me on Patreon if you want.
This code is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. If you need a specific license for this product in order to embed it into proprietary software or other purposes, feel free to make me a request on Patreon for licensing.
If you need a more advanced tool on Windows, see to it with ToastyX.